PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for BM™ (page 59)

"That sounds like the kinda music you'd hear in a horror movie. Except with a bunch of freaks yelling over it." -me
Jul 20, 2022 by Gau
Jul 18, 2022 by Gau
Jul 17, 2022 by Gau
Jul 15, 2022 by Gau
skill issue
Jul 15, 2022 by Puncuation Leader
"she probably sounds like Joey Wheeler (except bad)" -Geeroo 2022
Jul 15, 2022 by Gau
2 hours from now
how discouraging
2 hours from now
my life goal was to be annoying
2 hours from now
wait really?
Mr. Beast™
2 hours from now
She should apologize for being dead
Nought the Curspeon
2 hours from now
Gaia should be able to be more useful and learn with the group, while Chovan will quickly apologize to her
Dylana Nok
2 hours from now
Then i’m not annoyed at you Alpha
Dylana Nok
2 hours from now
Anyway, i orobably missed ut, what’s Gaha do upon waking? Other than be in large of p I wanted ain
Nought the Curspeon
2 hours from now
v -.-
2 hours from now
i literally know nothing about your story I’m just trolling
Nought the Curspeon
2 hours from now
I'm watching Cast Party EP26 now
Fenton Force
2 hours from now
It's called a joke, and it's honestly hilarious because nobody knows who Gaia is.
Dylana Nok
2 hours from now
I mean i don’t really either but it is annoying
Fenton Force
2 hours from now
I'd know because I can totally tell what accents are what
Nought the Curspeon
2 hours from now
idc really :3
Fenton Force
2 hours from now
nah she's from Brooklyn
Dylana Nok
2 hours from now
Peopke are hating on my and Nought’s story cuz they can and are ticked
Nought the Curspeon
2 hours from now
She's SCOTTISH >:3
Fenton Force
2 hours from now
we're talking about how lame Gaia is and how her funny accent is bad
Nought the Curspeon
2 hours from now
She'll do her normal thing (be with group and help with illusions and traps) and hopefully Chovan will officiall make up with her
2 hours from now
What's going on?
Fenton Force
2 hours from now
2 hours from now
my accent is way funnier (in a good way)
Dylana Nok
2 hours from now
No ones asking you Dani
Mr. Beast™
2 hours from now
I hope Gaia died painfully
Mr. Beast™
2 hours from now
I hate Gaia
Fenton Force
2 hours from now
she probably sounds like Joey Wheeler (except bad)
Fenton Force
2 hours from now
nobody likes her or her funny accent
Dylana Nok
2 hours from now
Hey, ehat will she do knce she’s alive again?
Fenton Force
2 hours from now
yeah Gaia will stay dead
2 hours from now
no you won’t
Dylana Nok
2 hours from now
Fenton Force
2 hours from now
Hey, Astrid?
Nought the Curspeon
2 hours from now
We'll revive her
2 hours from now
Dylana Nok
2 hours from now
I am sorry Gaia’s temp dead tho sorry bout that
Fenton Force
2 hours from now
not him
Fenton Force
2 hours from now
yeah danny is the way who maytets
Dylana Nok
2 hours from now
2 hours from now
no ME!!!!
Fenton Force
2 hours from now
maytes it
Nought the Curspeon
2 hours from now
Me! :D
Dylana Nok
2 hours from now
At least the one who maytets likes ut
Mr. Beast™
2 hours from now
Fenton Force
2 hours from now
Honestly bee pen probably wrote it and put in a bunch of spelling errors (not like he had to try).
Dylana Nok
2 hours from now
I was asking Nought but okay then
Fenton Force
2 hours from now
Nought the Curspeon
2 hours from now
Nope, so far it's going swimmingly :3
2 hours from now
it’s almost as bad as bm
2 hours from now
i don’t like the story
Dylana Nok
2 hours from now
Amy comments or questions on the story so far?
Apr 3 by Yuya the Goggles
Jul 14, 2022 by Gau
Jul 14, 2022 by Matt.
When a Pokémon is present in slots 4-6 of Box 8 (or Box 7's slots 26-28 in Japanese Emerald) of the Pokémon Storage System, black pixels with a certain form are written on the sides of the windows of Rustboro City's Pokémon Trainer's School, based on the particular Pokémon.

Slot 4 controls a small portion of tiles near the top of the window, while slot 5 controls a large portion of tiles around the middle, with slot 6 controlling a small portion of tiles near the bottom.

When Pokémon fill all the affected the slots, curtain-like graphics typically appear, but one can manipulate this bug (i.e. by having slot 4 and slot 6 occupied but not slot 5) to make the pixels not resemble curtains as much.

Specifically, with memory-address location randomization disabled, the tiles depend on the data from addresses $0202DAE4-$0202DB43. Each byte can control 1-2 pairs of pixels for the left and east-most sides.

The bug occurs because data for tiles with IDs greater than 790 is overwritten with Pokémon data and the pixels on the window depend on the data of tiles 791-793.
Jul 12, 2022 by Gau