PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for AureliusReyes (page 154)

Ah, OK, cool! I'll start making my OC! :)
Aug 1, 2020 by Gau

Sorry if we seem "unbearable", to use that term
Aug 1, 2020 by Amethyst
If you mean my new fanfic, I haven't started writing it yet, but when I do, I'll show it to Jason and he'll probably put it in Google Docs. And sure, I'd love to join your fanfic! What exactly is it about?
Aug 1, 2020 by Gau
Blimies lmao.
Aug 1, 2020 by y-chai
Well, that’s good!

I’ll try to think of a new FF idea, preferably with less people in it.
Aug 1, 2020 by y-chai
I do, but I haven’t touched it for a while. Also, I have a LOT of characters for it already, 8 including my OC I believe. Maybe if I think of a new idea?
Aug 1, 2020 by y-chai
I can’t wait for the first chapter and crap I gotta do my fanfic I haven’t done it in foreverrrrrrrrrr

Also 8 characters jeez so many people joined it LOL
Aug 1, 2020 by y-chai



Mystical Fire, Psyshock, Shadow Ball, Hyper Voice


Bold, and she never backs down in the face of danger. If her friends are in trouble, she will always try to help them. She’s very intelligent and athletic, and she rarely loses a battle.

The bow on her neck is glittery and rainbow and don’t judge me

Also I rushed this because I lost the OC and had to redo it :(
Aug 1, 2020 by y-chai
Nah I’m making it atm don’t worry I’m just stuck on the personality
Aug 1, 2020 by y-chai
Can't check, but I I probably can soon
Aug 1, 2020 by Amethyst