PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for -RisingManectric- (page 44)

(clears throat) Alolan Ninetales occupies a place in the Fairy Collection as the wearer of a purple cloak that can facilitate the handling of certain types of coins.
Aug 26, 2022 by Gau
add wood
Aug 25, 2022 by Gau
"The shadow ball is used as a big attack move, not only is it a knife, but it moves the shadow ball to hit the shadow ball."

(creys because it's so poetic)

Aug 25, 2022 by Gau
Gen 8 SS Monotype Selection Coat Rage (Fairy).

Ninetales-Alola @ Cruise Choices
Derivation: warning of snow
Electric Motor: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature conservation
Fourth: 0 attack
- Upset
- Heavy rain
The moon is pure
- add wood

Alolan Ninetales occupies a place in the Fairy Collection as the wearer of a purple cloak that can facilitate the handling of certain types of coins. For those wondering, “How does Alolan Ninetails make it easier to handle certain types of iron?” I will explain. This group uses the Grudge movement, which drains the PP of the movement and causes the Grudge user to lose. This means that if Excadrill's Iron Head, Melmetal's Double Iron Bass, and Alolan Ninetales use grudge in turn, they will lose their PP from Steel STAB which is weak for the Fairy type. It's annoying to use other cheats in this system if you don't want to use rage. Blizzard is a powerful Ice STAB action that won't be forgotten once the Alolan Nintales snow alert is over. Moonblast is used in the Fairy Stab. Freeze-Dry Ice is used for spears that damage Pokemon such as Peliper, Gastrodon, and Seismitode. Option Scarf is used as an item so you can use Grudge against Choice Scarf Ekkadrill, and it also provides speed control.
Aug 25, 2022 by -RisingManectric-
Design One Gen 8 SS (global)

Trapinch @ string . option
Ability: Arena Trap
EV: 168 HP / 252 attack / 4 attack speed / 84 attack speed
- First Impressions
- anything
- strong power
- complaint

If you think I'm crazy, please hear me out before writing this post. Trapinch is an LC Pokemon and has 280 BST, but regardless SS Monotype can use Arena Trap and 2HKO or OHKO to catch Pokemon that can threaten international teams. This helps to turn the game into a favorite game for players in the world. Good point, but I don't think Trapinch is a good Pokemon. You can't KO Tapinch outright because Tapinch has a lot of bad fights and is weak. You must be safe.

The main reason to use Trapinch is first impressions. You can catch and kill Pokemon like Rilabum, Zarude, Crowddown, and Vivail, and win your team 6-0 to turn the game in your favor. Quake can be used as an attack and can be used to block Galarian's slow, making it easier for Nidoking to focus his attacks. Super Attacks cover Pokemon like Ferrothorn and threaten Aegislash's teammates because Aegislash can't catch it. Pokemon is not as attractive to the movement as Apple is. An 84-speed electric motor provides driving torque. Trapinch is more versatile as other EVs are based on HP and special defense.

Trapinch's mission is to identify, mitigate and prevent threats. Despite being an LC Pokemon and not used by most ground parties, the Trapinch is small but still has a place in the SS Monotype.
Aug 25, 2022 by -RisingManectric-
Monttype Gen 8 SS mount.

Tat Coco @ Hua Uila
Energy: electricity
Electric motor: 152 HP / 104 SpA / 252 Sp
such music
4:0 principle
- Thunder
- Light / Brush
- Chicken root/vegetables
- peace of mind

Tapu Koko Calm Mind Set can be found in the Fairy Bar. Lightning is the first level of STAB, and the power of electric fields is given to Tapu Coco. It is said to shine brightly like a moving rock. If you want to attack Pokemon like Gastrodon, Mamoswine, Swampert, and Seismitoad for damage, you can use Grass Row. Roos gives HP recovery to Tapu Koko. If Flashing Gleam is in slot 2 and you want to use it in peace with 3 types of attacks, Fiber Grass can go in slot 3. Better cooldown, special attack and special defense. Tapu Coco's lightning type uses lightning to give Tapu Coco a +1 defense bonus. 152 HP gives the Tapu Koko plenty of room to get to the screen.
Aug 24, 2022 by Mr. Fish
Once upon a time there was a Pokémon named Calyrex who rode a shadow horse named Spectrier. They ruled as equals. Things seemed to be going well until Calyrex and Spectrier got into an argument. "You are nothing without me!" I would say in the morning. Look at me too! Calyrex says, "I have come, I am no longer your shadow, and I will banish you to ZU," says Geist, and so Calyrex is banished to the realms of ZU. Generation 8A Calyrex @ apartment Power: 1 EV: 252SpA/4SpD / 252Sp shy nature IV: 0 ATK - In storage - Peace of mind - Psychoshock / Energy Blockade - Concert of evacuation Calyrex, ashamed to show his face to ZU, hid the manager. While he hides, Calyrex tries to recover his health while using a special attack and a special defense while he tries to convince himself to do something. Psychoshock is a station that overwhelms opponents with unique energy, which is taken from riding a shadow horse. This force is so terrible that it reaches special walls. Calyrex wants a treasure of power to absorb all the power he has within. Giga Drain allows Calyrex to heal itself.
Aug 24, 2022 by BM™
Amazing. My favorite inreachable: reachable. I also quite like the Electric Car spread and the joy of nature. It's surprising how I never see any Dragonite sets with / / and fire extinguisher. I mean, come on, they allow it to check Ejislash! smh my translate.

I also like the tips. Seeing as how I'm an electrician, I love to wear heavy boots so that I may eat at Furtim Rock.
Aug 23, 2022 by Gau
"That Zacian crown works well if your opponent isn't Cinderella Focus with max attacks etc."

Ah, the best Zacian counter: Cinderella.
Aug 22, 2022 by Gau
I would say hide them, since their wider strategy may rely on the ability. Feel free to flag them when you see them (and others with removed HAs).
We'll be announcing some updates for the moveset threads soon. I will include our stance on old HAs in that post.
Aug 18, 2022 by Fizz