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Wall for -RisingManectric- (page 26)


Porygon2 @ Choice Specs
Ability: Download
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Tri Attack
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
- Shadow Ball

Porygon2 is a phenomenal Choice Specs user in BDSP PU. Porygon2's good base 105 Special Attack boosted by Choice Specs and a Special Attack Boost from Download when you get one can be quite threatening.

Tri Attack is used as your STAB move, and it's 20% chance to burn, freeze or paralyze could come in handy. Thunderbolt alongside Ice Beam forms the BoltBeam combo, which provides a wide range of coverage against Pokemon such as Golem, Pelipper, Gabite, Floatzel, etc. Shadow Ball is used for coverage against Pokemon such as Grumpig, Misdreavus, and Banette. Modest Nature is used to give you as much firepower

Repost on porygon 2 thread https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/33351/what-is-a-good-moveset-for-porygon2
Jul 16, 2023 by ~Silver~
so close to 10k
Jul 15, 2023 by MangoBrick
We hide movesets posted as comments. Otherwise, I think it's generally the same as elsewhere on the site. Everything is fine as long as it contributes something to future viewers.
I sometimes hit reject on comments that are so dumb that nobody would learn from having them corrected (ex: "use Aerial Ace > Brave Bird because recoil").
Jul 13, 2023 by Fizz
GJ is sacred.

Source: your brain said so.
Jul 10, 2023 by Gau
Thanks :)
Jul 6, 2023 by Jofly