PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for !'•-Indigo-•'! (page 29)

Yay. If it sounds cool then, it's always worth a good laugh and can fit in the about me section. :P

Don't worry though. You never cross me or anything, so you get a cool kid's jacket.
Apr 21, 2014 by DarkTyphlosion
You're not helping me not sound like a pervert ¬>¬
Apr 21, 2014 by PX
Apr 21, 2014 by Mosmic Dragoon
Where's the Easter grav? Hmmm?
Apr 20, 2014 by Mosmic Dragoon
Music is totally incredible. It is simply so great.
And yes, I am Lebanese. Problem?
Apr 20, 2014 by Muguet
How so???
Apr 19, 2014 by UmbreonLover456
If there was a treble clef on that, that would be an F on trumpet
Apr 19, 2014 by UmbreonLover456
Hentai is basically just sexual intercourse between Japanese anime characters. For some reason, people find this a suitable pastime.

I've been joked around as a pervert by a few people now (cough EeveeLotion) but I wouldn't watch it seriously, and I suggest you don't either.
Apr 19, 2014 by PX
Yeah whatever you do don't search hentai. :I.
Apr 19, 2014 by Sempi
Just don´t search it
Apr 19, 2014 by Natsu