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Wall for y-chai (page 288)

No. She's an adorable girl (at least, in my opinion) and she's already been complemented on her outfit. Why would anyone go that crazy because their crush said "oh, hey, nice outfit"?
Jun 17, 2020 by Gau
Oof, that's rough. Here's one of my ideas (warning: you may cringe):

Idea 1: Lexi and Pika are having a chat when Gladion walks up and greets them. They say hello back and continue to chat. However, Gladion doesn't join in and instead just stares at Pika. Pika eventually notices that Gladion's staring at her and blushes a bit while nervously asking why he's staring at her. He hesitates to answer for a moment, then answers, saying that he thinks she's cute. This causes great shock for Pika, and she blushes intensely. Of course, Lexi is amused by it because it is pretty hilarious to see Pika stutter like a dummy while blushing, all because of a simple complement. This makes the whole situation very awkward. Gladion tries to apologize for freaking Pika out, but she frantically tells him that he hasn't done anything wrong. Lexi gently tells them to both calm down, and they try to do just that, although Pika is still blushing like crazy. Then when they've calmed down, Gladion decides to leave and says good-bye while Pika stares after him, most likely going 'whee' internally due to the guy she has a crush on telling her she's cute.

Yay for shippy moments! Poor Gladion, just trying to give Pika a complement and she freaks out. I got another one, but please tell me what ya think about this one.
Jun 17, 2020 by Gau
OK, thanks a lot, Y! :)

Also, I cooked up two ideas for your fanfic.
Jun 17, 2020 by Gau
I'm tryin' to make a moveset for Band Silvally. How does Multi-Attack, Rock Slide, Iron Head, and Crunch sound? Please tell me what to replace with what, 'cause I'm stumped.
Jun 16, 2020 by Gau
Do you have a thing for those lips?
Jun 16, 2020 by JaJaDingDong
I find it odd that you have "Please, for everyone's sake, COME BACK!" and "OMG YOU HEARD OUR WISHES YOU'RE BACK!!!!" on Whimsicott's friend list entry thingy still. I mean, she's been back for a while now.
Jun 16, 2020 by Gau
I cringentaried your cringentary.

(Altar of the Sunne. Pacing in front of the Wormhole entrance is a girl wearing a tuxedo and black pants. [A tuxedo? Where can I get one? Please say Old Navy or Target] {Oldie Pokermains Navy.} She has short brown hair and bright, excited eyes. She is taken aback when the Wormhole widens and Solgaleo jumps out. [Its Solgaleo. Don't be surprised its not a Fire type] {It's a Nerd/Loser type.} As an instinct, she pulls out a Poké Ball and calls out a Pokémon.) [You want to battle the thing that's not a Fire type? Huh?] {I SHALL BATTLE ALL THINGS, FIRE TYPE OR NOT!}
???: Drifty, I choose you! I know you can do it! Use Fire Blast! [Is Fire Blast Sylveon available for purchase? Or did it just steal a move that Solgaleo should get STAB from?] {YOU CAN'T HAVE DRIFTY! HE'S MY BUDDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!}
Kiara: What the-! (Solgaleo flies away with Kiara and X, who is half awake and still on its back, successfully avoiding the kamikaze [Whaaaaaaaa] {aaaaaaaahW} Fire Blast)
Mallory: (telepathically) What the hex nut is wrong with you [I don't know what a hex nut is. Should I be worried?] {Yes.} ? Are you TRYING to kill my new friends [Yes. Yes she is] {YOUR MOM IS TRYING TO KILL HER NEW FRIENDS!}?
???: Maaaybe, maaaybe not [Liar] {Liar liar, scarlet red garlic pants on fire!}. I AM however coma trying to st- wait, hold the Phione, did you just... talk... to... me?
Mallory: (telepathically) No, I was talking to to your mom [Where is the mom? I should meet her] {I don't think you wanna meet her mom, actually. She, uh... (whispers) SHE'S NOT A GLADION FAN.}. Yes, I talked to you!  
Kiara: (hissing) Mallory, stop. We don't know what this girl's capable of. She may be a hunter.
???: A-a hunter?! What?! Listen, my name's Pika. That's right, P-I-K-A, Pika.
X: Alright, alright, we get it! You're Pika like Pikachu [No she's Pika like a Pachirisu. Wait, your telling me there is a difference?] {Yes. Pachirisu is not like Pika. She's more like Hex from my main fanfic 'cause they can't get people's names right.}! Cool, but, uhm, wh-what are you doing here? Other than trying to torch us via- wait, Fire Blast? Hang on, where's the Fire-type?
Pika: No Fire-type... yet. Just Drifty. (she points at her Shiny Sylveon) He has... interesting moves. [Interesting moves? I didn't realise] {Pika: "Drifty! Use Spacial Rend!" Me: "TORN APART BY SPACIAL REND!" 'Tis but a fleeting dream...}
X: I'll say.
Kiara: Gah, we can't talk much longer, we need to head back to Aether real soon.
Pika: (wide eyed) Did you say "Aether?" [No, she said "Torture chamber"] {"The Aether Foundation? You mean, as in... Aether. Aether. Aether Foooundatioooon. That Aether Foundation?!" -Hau from volume 6 of the Sun & Moon manga}
Kiara: Uh, yeah, we work there as part of Mission UR. [ur what? I'm PRETTY sure its spelled "your"] {Ur lame.}
Pika: Ooh, Aether equals Gladion and Gladion equals- [Cuteness with a side of cuteness?] {It equals KAWAII LITTLE CUTIE PIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!}
X: Lusamine! [yay] {Woo.}
Pika: What? I was gonna say something else entirely, but... [He's mine, back off] {No, he's mine! I WANT GLADION HUGGLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!}
X: No, I mean we have to go back. But Lusamine was furious when we left. [Sounds like her] {Loserirene.} (shudders) I hope she's calm now. ["I wouldn't bet your money yeeeeeeeet" Glazio, 2020] {"Out of the darkness, the noberry nadusk, throw it all away! It'll grab you by the tail, an endless night forever!" -same person, same year}
Pika: Hmm... do you think that maybe I could help? [No] {Yes.}
Kiara: Well, I don't see why not. [Idiot] {Nerd booger brain lamehead.}
X: I do. Kiara, we can't just say 'here's a new recruit'. That's not our job. [Yah recruit her. You'll die soon] {When they die depends on what they say to Gladion next... (cackles evily)}
Mallory: (telepathically) What IS your job? [To meet Pika's mom] {To die of Gladion's cuteness. He's really agile, ya know...}
Kiara: To rescue unfortunate Pokémon like yourself with nowhere else to turn to to. Sorry I quoted Ms. Lusamine. [LIAR] {MS. LOSERIRENE!}
X: I'll say. [YUP. KEEP ON SAYING] {I'll say say say say say say say say say say say say say say say say say say say say says ay sya sysyasy}
Mallory: (telepathically) No, no, please no. I-I can't stand labs. Don't make me go and DON'T give me to some some stranger. [Yesss give her to a stranger!] {LET HER ROT WITH PEE-HAUL! Wait, he's not in yet.} (she buries her head in Kiara's shoulder)
Kiara: Shh, shh. It's okay, I won't leave you alone. Shh, okay. (X looks away but he has a small smile. Kiara, Mallory, and X jump off Solgaleo and get ready to head to Aether. Mallory does not return to her Luxury Ball, instead choosing to walk alongside Kiara. Pika follows, uninvited but cheerful)
Pika: So, are we walking or flying? [We're riding on your mom's back] {(insert hilarious Gladion face from volume 2 of the Sun & Moon manga here)}
X: "We?" Pika, you can't just- [yah, she can] {YAH, MAHN, AH CAHN.}
Kiara: (giving X a sharp look) We're flying after we get off the Altar [Fly ON the Alter. Also, everyone is such a liar] {It's in our nature.}. Mallory, you'll have to return then. You can come back out once we land at Aether. [You shall never escape!!!] {If Gladion's there, I really won't escape... hee, hee...}
Mallory: (in Kiara's head) Okay, and thank you for saving me in Ultra Space. [Yeah you just wanna die in a Torture Chamber] {Ooh, fun. Oh, Pee-haul Kaul at the mall's wall, there's a torture chambeeeeeeer...}(everyone leaves the Altar. Pika is skipping instead of walking, Mallory is holding Kiara's hand like she were Kiara's little sister, and X is lagging behind) [Yessssss X lag behind like a king!!!] {Lag behind like an X Chex Gus Nerd Skull.}
Jun 16, 2020 by Gau
This is part of the English part of Stirb Nicht Vor Mir (I don't think I got any of it wrong):

He comes to me every night
No words are left to say
With his hands around my neck
I close my eyes and pass away
I don't know who he is
In my dreams he does exist
His passion is a kiss
And I cannot resist
Jun 16, 2020 by Gau
I'm glad you liked 'em! Which one was your favorite? :)

The Glazio News
This is a good one. 121 calls into my Finneon chain, I accedently used Grass Knot on the only Finneon, so it fainted and the chain ended. Yeah, I was being sarcastic when I said "good". So then I decided to chain Riolu instead. And I got 40 calls before I accedentally ran. So whooptie-doo. I've decided I'll Shiny hunt Riolu again later. Pro tip: when SOS chaining Riolu, use a Ghost-type Pokemon. It's neccecary. Why, you ask? Because the Riolu always seem to know Final Gambit, which knocks them out if it hits. That's a real problem, as the only Riolu can use it and end your chain. But if you use a Ghost-type, it will fail as the Ghost-type's immune to it, allowing the Riolu you're chaining to not kill itself. Chao news keeps not existing. Fanfic news is that I haven't worked on it today. Yeah. See ya!
Jun 16, 2020 by Gau
Jun 16, 2020 by fwoofyy