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Wall for y-chai (page 255)

It's fine lol
Jul 6, 2020 by Amethyst
Jul 6, 2020 by ~Silver~
In the days when I blasted the beetle turtles off the forest's edge of sea, I went to the forest of Soup and said: "Mighty house of rotted seashells, answer my whim! I need to dance the Super E with a Great White Shark!" And I felt a magical energy of the soupy forest summon not a shark, but a magical bee head, and it spoke to me: "You are a loser of the third degree, and you shall not dance the Super E." And I, crestfallen, ran to the house of tomato lettuce, lined with expensive dirt, and cried for the magical pot of corn to hear me out. And a corn cob appeared, hitting me on the earhole, and I began to sing: "And I feel alive and I wanna take a dive where I can super die in the land of mummies and bye." When I recovered from the earhole corn opera, I screamed out to the radish bears and the fish rabbits: "Why why why must you troll me so when I ain't Josh Fool?!" And I fled to the world of Insane Insanity GameCube Butterflies, screaming for them to not troll me and instead troll the trool, Josh Fool. "You have been hit with the magical pot of corn cob operas, and so we must be souper ticked! Wake up, you fricking crazy person!" Then I awoke from the strange land of the GameCube Butterflies.

The end.
Jul 6, 2020 by Gau
Good jov. I appreciate it.
Jul 5, 2020 by Amethyst
Sinnoh's Finest!
Jul 5, 2020 by iloveflareon
Just read down like it's one big post.
Jul 5, 2020 by Gau
Note: I still haven't named the ridge and forest, so they have ??? next to them. I'm lazy, yes. Just imagine "??? Forest" as "The Forest Of No Name" and "??? Ridge" as "Ridge Of Le Nameless". You'll feel more entertained, I promise.

Chapter 1: Encounter At Starlit Dusk

Gladion's point of view

"Gladion? Gladion, it's morning..." said a voice. I stirred and lifted my head out of my blankets. I saw my sister, Lillie, standing over me. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. "Ugh.. what time is it...?" I asked her. "2 PM." I blinked in surprise. I'd been sleeping in a while. "Is something happening?" "Huh? Don't you remember?" "Lillie, if I remembered, I wouldn't have asked." I said, rolling my eyes. Why does she ask the most obvious questions? "...Oh. Tonight's Starlit Dusk. Aren't we gonna go see it." Starlit Dusk was an event that happens once a year, where, starting at around 4 PM, the sky shines orange throughout the rest of the day and the night. "Oh, yeah. I forgot about it." I muttered. Then I got up and made myself some food. Well, a sandwich. It was enough to fill me up, anyway. At roughly 3:30, which was about an hour and a half very slowly killed, we left. "??? Ridge is a good place to see Starlit Dusk." Lillie pointed out. I knew that, to get to ??? Ridge, we had to get through ??? Forest first, so we headed in that direction. Midway through the twists and turns of the forest, I suddenly got a weird feeling. I don't exactly know how to descibe it, but I felt worried all of a sudden... like something bad was going to happen. But we made it to ??? Ridge safely. We stood on the ridge and stared at the sky as it turned a vibrant orange. "Isn't it beautiful?" "Yeah." I responded. I wasn't all that into beautiful sights, but I had to admit, it looked really nice, like a sunset. After a while of watching it, we decided to head back. On the way back home, Lillie kept chattering about how nice it looked, but I was suddenly feeling all nervous again. What was making me feel like this? I looked around nervously, and Lillie stopped talking and looked at me. "Gladion, is something wrong? You look worried..." "Huh? Oh, uh... it's nothing. I just feel like-" I cut myself off as I saw someone lying still on the ground.
Jul 5, 2020 by Gau
I dashed towards them, and as Lillie saw them as well, she gasped. It was a girl, and she looked to be around 11 years old. There was blood pouring out of a head injury and a back injury, which I could see since her clothing was torn, and her arm was at an odd angle, as if it was broken. I crouched down next to her, panic welling up inside of me. Was she... dead?! Then I almost fainted with relief when I realized that she was faintly breathing. Lillie kneeled next to us and gave me a desperate look. "Don't worry, she's... she's alive, just unconscious." My sister looked relieved as I had. "We have to help her. Come on!" I said, and picked the girl up in my arms. She was shockingly light and she twitched a little as I held her. We dashed as fast as we could back to our house. Once we reached it, I basically knocked the door down and placed the girl in the living room. "Lillie, go get the bandages!" I called to her, and she nodded and ran off to do just that. After a second, she came back with bandages and washcloths soaked with warm water. I took one of the washcloths and cleaned the blood off of the girl's forehead, making a large cut clearly visible. I used a corner of the washcloth to carefully clean the blood that had poured into her eye area, then put down the bloodied washcloth. While I wrapped her head in bandages, I begun to think. What had happened to her? Who was she? Where was she from? Where did she live? She looked like she had been attacked to me. You don't just accidentally give yourself two large cuts in different places and break your arm. If that was so... who attacked her? And why? Suddenly, she twitched and opened her eyes a bit. They were a bright blue, and sort of pretty. She was very weak-looking, and she slowly turned her head towards me. "Are you... all right?" I asked her as Lillie stared at us. Her face suddenly went from confusion to fear, and she tried to move away. However, she hit her broken arm on the wall and let out a screech of pain. "Hey, hey, calm down!" I exclaimed and put my hands on her shoulders. She gazed at me, looking terrified. She opened her mouth and tried to say something. I stared a her as her squeaks turned into stutters, and finally into three words: "D-D-Don't touch me...!" I jumped a bit. "Wait, huh...?" She jerked away from me and tried to get as far away as she could, which wasn't very, as she soon hit the wall. She tried to curl up into a ball, but she screeched again as she moved her arm. "Hold still. I'm going to help you, all right? You're going to be okay." I told her gently. She just stared at me with tears in her frightened eyes. I stared at her. She was light-skinned and slender, with short brown hair. She wore long black pants and a tuxedo with a dark gray shirt underneath it, which I could see because her tuxedo was hanging loosely. Lillie, who had been watching silently in shock, handed me the bandages. "You have a cut on a low part of your back that needs to be cleaned and bandaged so it doesn't get infected and can heal more easily." I said gently to the girl. She just quivered. "Now, uh... I don't exactly know how to do this..." It was true. I thought about letting her do it herself, but she didn't look like she could bandage herself. How would she reach it easily with only one usable arm? So I knew that the only way I could do this was if she could pull up her shirt a bit so I could get to her cut. So I sighed and pulled off her tuxedo. She looked even more terrified than before and quivered harder. "P-P-Please don't t-touch me..." she pleaded again quietly. "Listen, I just need to get to your injury. I don't want it to get infected, and I'm sure you don't either. Please, hold still... unless you can bandage it yourself." I said hopefully. "I-I..." she began, but trailed off. I knew it. I sighed and asked "So, um... could you lift up your shirt? Just a tiny bit, so I can clean and bandage your injury." She gazed at me fearfully. Then she turned around so her back was facing towards me and lifted up her shirt just enough so that I could see her cut. I took a deep breath and rubbed it with another washcloth. She cried out in pain and suddenly flailed one of her arms, which slapped me across the face. Lillie gasped. "Augh!" I cried out, putting a hand to my stinging cheek while I grabbed her arm with my other hand. She suddenly sat perfectly still, gazing at me fearfully. Lillie took a step forward. "Lillie, stop." "H-Huh?" "She's... she's terrified of us. If you get close, you might just scare her even more..." I was trying not to be angry that I had just been slapped in the face, since the girl was, as I said, terrified. Lillie slowly stepped back. "I know it hurts, but I have to clean and bandage it. It'll heal faster that way and won't get infected. So please... I'm just trying to help you." I felt like I had said that a hundred times. I let go of her arm, but it was still in the same position as it was when I was holding it. She was perfectly and rigidly still. I gave her a pleading look, and she drew her arm back. As she turned back around, I couldn't help but feel sorry for her. She looked so frightened, and I could see why. She had most likely been attacked and woke up in a house that a pair of random strangers brought her to. As she lifted her shirt a little, I grabbed my washcloth and begun to clean the blood from her cut. She kept wincing and making pained sounds, but she didn't freak out like last time. She was quivering though. Eventually, I finished cleaning her cut and examined it. It was pretty bid and deep, and I kept wondering to myself how she got it. She had to have been attacked. I gently bandaged it up as she stared at me nervously. When I was done, I handed her tuxedo back to her, and she tried to put it back on with one hand, which seemed hard. Then she tried to button it up again, but couldn't seem to. So I decided to help her out and buttoned it myself. She gave me a quick grateful glance before staring at her broken arm pathetically. "Be careful with that arm, okay?" She merely looked at me in a frightened fashion. "What do we do?" Lillie asked me. I had to think about that one. "Well, she's still injured. We can't just let her wander around, or she might be hurt even worse... I guess she'll just have to stay here for a while." I looked at the girl and saw that her expression was unchanged. Then I said "Lillie, can you go ask around if anyone knows her? Then maybe we can find her parents." "Sure!" Lillie agreed, said good-bye, and ran out the door. The girl looked around for a second before curling up into a ball with one arm limp. Then an idea popped into my head. "I'll be right back." I left the room, leaving the girl alone, then I rummaged through the closet in my room, looking for a spare blanket and pillow. And I found them. I went back to the living room and placed the blanket and pillow down next to the girl. She looked confused and still afraid. "Here. You might have to stay here for a while, so now you can at least be comfortable sleeping." Upon hearing that, she placed the pillow next to her side and laid her head down on it, pulling the blanket over her. She looked like she was ready to sleep, even though it wasn't late. Then I heard the door open and saw Lillie walk in. When she reached me, she said "I asked everyone... they said they've never heard of a girl wearing a tuxedo." My face fell when I heard that. "Then... where are her parents?" I wondered out loud. Lillie shrugged. I glanced at the girl and say that she was fast asleep. "I guess she'll be staying here..." Lillie said. I had so many questions. There was so much mystery behind the girl. Was it some sort of... fate that we found her? I have to find out what had happened to her. I promise I will.
Jul 5, 2020 by Gau
Most certainly grey, all the time.
Jul 5, 2020 by Amethyst

The Glazio News
Well, I've been doing my Pyukumuku chain still. I'm now at 123 Pyukumuku called. Maybe I'll get a Shiny soon... or not. Or never. But whatever, I'm gonna keep trying. Because I love Pyukumuku a lot for some reason. And that's it. See ya!
Jul 5, 2020 by Gau