Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for y-chai (page 237)

"Golden hours area coming to you."

Wow. Just wow.
Jul 11, 2020 by Gau
My first fortune cookie: "You will have a trip to the seaside."
Me: "Actually, no, I won't. Unless you mean Alola!"

My mom's fortune cookie: "Golden hours area coming to you."
Me and mom: "wut"

My second fortune cookie: "Happiness always accompanies you."
Me: "Oh, I wouldn't go that far."
Jul 11, 2020 by Gau
Stealer S6
(En rioted to Twinleaf Sandgem  town pokemon center)2
Pika: well it’s about time!
Gladion: we passed other centers, why did we have to do this particular one?
Aria: because we are meeting someone HERE
X: ugh i’m just glad we can sit down.
Paul: we wouldn’t have HAD to do this  specific  Center if Aria hadn’t said “oh yeah were almost there!” And “there” was Sandgem town.
Kiara; you guys complain waay to much.
Aria: yeah Kiara’s right chill
Pika: have you NOT realuzed? I. Do. Not. Chill!
Aria: yes I realuzed that loong ago.
Paul: can we please not argue?
Pika: who was arguing?
Paul: (sitting heavily beside Kiara at a booth chair) i just...sensed a fight
Puka: (dragging Gladion with her abd sitting across from Kiara) well maybe your “feelling” was wrong? (It’s a retorcial question)
Paul: (babging his on the table) ow, abd do you HACE to  contradict EVERYTHING i say?
Pika: pf ciurse I do, duh and an ever bigger duh don’t you lnow you’re not s
S’pised to smack your head onto a hard surface?
Paul: ( exasperatedly ) please ...just stop.
Gladion: (looking up from a piece of paper) uhm guys? I believe we read this note wrong...
Kiara: what?! How?
Gladion: well...
Aria: just spit it out man!
Gladion: i don’t know why we thought “Twinleaf” but this says “come abd get me, i’m where this all befan” that said wouldn’t we ve needing to go Veailstone?
Aria: whaaaaaat!? Oh no. No no no!
Pika: yes yes yes!
X: soo we need to all the way back we came? (Just then the automatic doors slide open and J enters. Now though he wears a black tank, black jeabs, black shoes is wearing blackglasses and has some kind of baf iver his tank is an “Interbational Police” jacket also black)
Kiara: wha? J? Is-is that you?
J: (he peers over his Blackglasses and slightly nods then makes the “shh” sign) hello there, Aria I see you were successful.
Aria: (looking nervous) y-yep I-I mean yes sir.
J: good. Good. Were their any compilations?
Aria: (looking down) well...kinda we kinda startled an Exploud.
J: (sighing deeply he takes the spot on Pauls other side) Aria. Aria , Aria-
Aria: i know, I know, i know! I’m really sorry.
Pika: not to mention, X fell into a hoke before that!
Aria: pika!
Pika: what? (She looks  innocent )
J: (growling a bit) Aria is this true?
Aria: yes.
Kiara: um Nr.J? It-it’s not Aria’s fault when X fell-
X: it was foggy, I fell in despite Aria’s warning
Paul: i agree it was extreamly fighy it could’ve happened regardless if Aria was there or not.
Gladion: but he still fell on Aria’s watch.
Pika: m-hm
X: the Exploud thing was mostly Pija’s doing Aria shushed us so we wouldn’t wak him up but Pika didn’t listen.
Pika: hey!
Aria: (looking ashamed ) i’m soo sorry, i failed ny nission.
J: (looking serious but sad) ues you did if Annabel found out... you know she’d send you back to computer work.
Aria: ugh! No not the coumputers!
J: Aria! Be serious, I said “if she finds out” now I don’t plan on telling her yet if you succed in phase 2 she’ll never know.
Aria: r-really? You won’t tell?
J: nah I won’t tell it seems to ne you can’t cobtrol the weather and the Exploud  incident  Was attempted to have been.  Avoided.
Aria: thank you!
Paul: how cone you’re here anyway J?
Aria: agent J was who we were neeting.
Everyone except Aria and J: AGENT?
J: agent J of the international police at your service. Actually i beed your help. I need the help of some skilled Trainers, I have Pokemon but i’m only one agent sure Aria is a trainer too but that’s still only two.
Kiara: what do you need help with?
X: i’m willing to help so long as you aren’t gonna steal anything.
Paul: I can help, if that’s alright.
Pika: well I don’t wanna help not after last time.
Gladion. Pika, the International Police  are not crooks. It won’t be like “last time”
Paul. What did you even do Pika?
Pika: rude! My Drifty Sylveon helped out loads.
X: my Roaerade abd Eeletross gelped more.
Kiara: “it disen’t natter who did what. Agent J, Aria i’ll gelp.
J/ well that’s good our goals are the sane actually.
Kiara: really? That couldn’t have turned out better.
Aria: nope that’s why-
J: shhhh.
Aria: oh yeah hehe oopsie.
Pika: why youvwhat?
Aria: nothingggg
J. If you need to know, you’ll know if you don’t you won’t
Pika: ah a poet abd he didn’t lnow it
X: sana goes for you.
J: well first stop Twinleaf, secobd Veailstone.
Jul 11, 2020 by Dyla N
I sped through White Jungle in, like, three minutes instead. Wow, I looked so fancy. (is proud of self for flashiness)
Jul 11, 2020 by Gau
Please help I am getting an overwhelming urge to blast Theme of Sonic and Theme of Shadow really loud while dancing.
Jul 11, 2020 by Gau
What's goin' on on you and X's walls?
Jul 11, 2020 by Gau
i took a random guess and thats why i put the +
Jul 11, 2020 by iloveflareon
Idk exactly when I started liking you. Probably a bit more than a few weeks ago, but close to that point, yes.
Jul 11, 2020 by Amethyst
This brings in more questions.
How long ago did you start liking me?
Jul 11, 2020 by Amethyst
Wait, when exactly did you dream this? Before or after I told you I liked you?
Jul 11, 2020 by Amethyst