Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for y-chai (page 221)

OK, cool! :)
Jul 15, 2020 by Gau
Would you like to join the Gladion cult I made up three seconds ago?
Jul 15, 2020 by Gau
"Oh, so the power of a Captain is to snap their fingers and make someone open a barricade? Snazzy." -amazing power ya got there
"Greetings! I'm a super nerd eye face here!" -yeah, I don't know either
"Frock dis Loolie roon away?!" -what language even is that?
"Bye-bye, Rising Star Nerdenger!" -makes me wish someone was actually named that
"Lills has severe sad Nebby eye pain." -my heart truly bleeds for her
"Oh no! It's the Super Weirdo Frikeing Nerd Squad!" -sounds like a terrifying group
"Test my toenail." -I don't think they want to
"I don't know if I should laugh or scream in fear." -both
"Yeah, we're the French Toast Squad!" -(eats Ultra Recon Squad)
"AI, please be retarded." -a wish many of us have had
"Wait I didn't say yes to battling no no no Hau why?!" -Pika In Destress, Pika In Destress!
"Wow, what a nerd. Didn't evolve your Litten yet." -Haunerd
"Tracking down Lillie? More like wandering around and randomly finding the nerdette needing help getting back Nebby." -not even some of my favorite characters are safe from being called nerds
"Do it, love it, breathe it, live it, get up off your butt and battle... in it?" -wow, I always wanted to battle inside people's butts
"Hey, you fat old man! Let's battle in a grand trail mix!" -quote of the year
"Fat Old Man sent out Machonk The Seismic Jerk!" -epic start to the battle
"I like to sing the frick song." -it's a fricking good song
"I'm gonna kick that old fart's poop butt!" -am I 12 or 5?
"Here I come, Mr. Pooping Fart Butt!" -just wow
"I'll use my X Anti Pooping Fart Butts!" -lovely
"I hit him so hard that his pooping fart butt fell off!" -WHY ME?!
"I epically survived your crappy Z-Move." -it was a sad attempt to defeat me
"I got the Pooping Fart Buttium Z!" -I hate myself
"I can see that Gladion is cute. I cannot see that he is not cute." -words of wisdom
"Hau looks like I just blew up the moon with glittering unicorn dust. Wait, he'd be sad about that." -I want a glittering unicorn dust launcher now
"How are you able to hand me something from, like, five feet away?!" -finally, I said something intelligent
"Hala's an old farting poop butt in a tutu." -that intelligence sure wore off quick
"I'm gonna epically poke Rotom's eyes out!" -fun
"Oh god, intense lag." -apparently, having myself, Lillie, Professor Needs-A-Shirt, Hau, and his Torracat onscreen at the same time causes the Pokemon world's time flow to slow down
"Lillie, Akala Island is where your adorable brother's at! Come on, let's go!" -I will travel across the world for him
"Lillie's little theme thingy is making my brain go slow." -it's pretty
"Akala Malasada!" -catchy
"Team Skull? Already seen 'em. They wanna write my name in blood." -that just sounds frightening
"This is bor of the ing." -truer words were never spoken
"Paniola? More like pani oli roni." -perfection
"Now, I like Pikachu, but this is ridiculous!" -PIKACHU CAMPER THINGY
"Oh my gosh, it's my little Eevee baby!" -his name is Soul and he's gonna be an Espeon
"One plus one is two, but nerd plus dummy is lamehead." -you can't deny my logic
"Oh my goshies! It's Mr. Cutie Pie! Yaaaaaaaay!" -OMG YAY YAY YAY
"Gladion is here! Gladion is here!" -at long last, tee hee!
"I've waited so long to hear this again..." -the remix of Gladion's battle theme or whatever the heck it is is fricking amazing and catchy and you cannot change my mind
"Come on, Gladion... we can dance under the sun to your rocking battle theme remix." -Gladion's likely reaction: "...What?"
"You won't take no for an answer? Don't worry, I would never say no to a battle offer from you." -is it just me, or does my chatter make me look like a flirty video game character?
"I'm going to murder that bird Pokemon for daring to chirp during the perfection of Gladion's battle theme remix." -no, I still haven't started the battle yet, and I am going to blow up the world so that bird can die
"Ugh, the wind that I produce while dancing keeps blowing the balloons off of my bed." -very annoying when I'm busy fantisizing about Gladion
"Won't you hold me close on this sunny day while we sit locked in each others' loving embrace?" -romantic song to the tune of Gladion's battle theme remix thingy
"Oh oh, I can't tell if my hands are cold or if my cheeks are burning like the sun." -more song
"Gladion... would you, maybe... let me huggle you?" -popped the big Q right there
"You know what I'll do? I'll just huggle you until you ask me to stop." -extra song
"Aww, look at him glare down at me like that. My heart will melt..." -hee hee, so cute
"Holy frick, I swear, like, I blinked and saw him in my blinking!" -OH MY GOSH I'M BLINKING GLADION!
"I'm just gonna... sit here and... stare at him for a while..." -if you ask me, that's a great use of time
"My mom would be frightened to se all these quotes." -indeed she would
"I have been staring at Gladion for probably half an hour. I can see tiny details now. Just look at the shading on the arm with the hand he's holding up to his adorably threatening face!" -the world just needed to know about Gladion's arm shading
"Look at him twitching! Awwwwww!" -KAWAIIIIIIIIIII
"Gladion?! You keep bending over like that! Do you need help?!" -(screams into phone for the aid car to come)
"Wow, look at the way his fingers move!" -another 'I'm paying too much attention' moment
"Gladion, where'd you get that hoodie? I want one too!" -something tells me that Gladion wouldn't be too pleased to see me wearing his hoodie
"Oh my- bwee hee... bweh heh heh! Ah ha ha ha! I have never seen anyone with a more ticked-off expression in my entire life! Ha ha!" -he looks laughably angry and adorable, the true Murderous Gladion
"Team Skull Grunt is going to Hell for calling Gladion spineless!" -(violently murders Team Skull Grunt)
"G-Gladion? Where are you going? Don't leave me here, please... please stay here with me." -I'm lonely and want Gladion by my side
"Gwuh! Gla-Gla! Well then, now I have a good reason other than story progression to go to the Battle Royal Dome, hee." -GLA-GLAAAAAAAA, MY LITTLE CUTIE PIEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Jul 14, 2020 by Gau
200/1 up/downvote ratio.
Jul 14, 2020 by y-chai
My heart is about to jump out of its chest because of the pure adorableness of your Grav.

The Glazio News
I did the Battle Royal. Hau, the Masked Doofus, and Gladion all ganged up on me and I fainted, and I want to cry because of it. But I can forgive Gladion. So I beat the Fire-type trial and now I'm maxing out my two Pokemon's affection inside of Gladion's motel room. Because Gladion lives in a motel on a Route that's a famous date spot. I'm letting that sink in. He tells me to get out but doesn't force me out because of... video game logic? Good of a guess as any. I've literally been standing there for over 16 hours maxing out my Pokemon's affection and doing Roto Lotos, you'd think he'd shove me outside or call the person who runs the place because I'm staying there without paying or something like that. Maybe he's thinking of a plan to get me out that takes over a day to think of. I dunno. See ya!
Jul 14, 2020 by Gau
i made it on the friend list 0:>
Jul 14, 2020 by melcakes
No, it's fine, lol. Its a very interesting chat convo. I gtg now. Bye!
Jul 14, 2020 by Amethyst
Well yes, that was very weird indeed.
Jul 14, 2020 by Amethyst
Um, what?
Jul 14, 2020 by Amethyst
Now you see what?
Jul 14, 2020 by Amethyst