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Wall for y-chai (page 213)

Gladion (M) @ Gladionite
Ability: Cute Charm --> Intimidate
EVs: 252 Attack / 4 Defense / 252 Speed
Nature: Adamant
- Knock Off
- Meteor Mash
- Play Rough
- Fire Punch
Jul 17, 2020 by Gau
*even more huggles* But I really do need to go now, so good night, Y-Chai! <3 <3 <3
Jul 17, 2020 by Amethyst
*huggles again* Bye, Y-Chai
Jul 17, 2020 by Amethyst
I'm sorry. Good night, and see you in five days! <3 <3 <3
Jul 17, 2020 by Amethyst
No, don't be depressed. It isn't going to be long at all, really. Five days will pass in a few blinks of the eye. I wish I could find some internet there <3
Jul 17, 2020 by Amethyst
I'm sorry, I wish I could still chat those days. *continues to huggle Y* <3
Jul 17, 2020 by Amethyst
I'll miss you too, Y-Chai. <3 It won't be long, a mere five days. *huggles back*
Jul 17, 2020 by Amethyst
"Gladion said something about me?! What'd he say?! What'd he say?!" -please let it be sweet words

"Ah, yes. I'm the super... Hariyama... slap blaster!" -ain't I fancy?

"Ha ha, Lillie's eyes are little dot polkas!" -amazing, I always wanted dot polka eyes

"Duh duh nuh duh nuh... Acerola!" -great singer I am

"Lillie's a sweaty armpit princess!" -wow, that's what I called my favorite female character

"Your dad's a fart butt!" -I'm sure Acerola was so pleased to hear that

"Royal hair head!" -what was in my kiwi strawberry juice?

"I don't wanna hear any more Epic Tales Of Fart Butt, thank you." -am I high or just crazy?

"Hey, it's Samsung 360 Oak!" -was the Samsung 360 actually a thing?

"I don't wanna show you a snazzy fart cat." -kill me

"Now I can Fly your hat face to space and back." -fun trip

"Casey, Casey, Casey, breaking in your face-y..." -for a little Pyukumuku, he sure sounds threatening

"What're you guys trying to do? Pee on the bus stop?" -yes, that's totally what they're doing

"I don't want your bus stop! You probably peed on it!" -totally not immature in the slightest

"Casey just punched a Houndour's skull in." -dude

"Yeah, you stand up to pee on bus stops!" -why is it that when I say something dumb, I bring it up for, like, the nect ten quotes?

"Wow, you guys sure pee on heavy objects." -frick, I haven't stopped yet

"I like cute Pokemon. And cute people." -that much was obvious, and also yay, I stopped talking about Team Skull peeing on a bus stop

"Oh god, the Derp Tree Express." -I wish I could just climb up the mountain

"Rotom, stop flattering me every five second." -I cannot take all the complements

"Yes, game, Professor Needs-A-Shirt is the Masked Doofus, we know." -yeah, get it out of our faces

"Hau will never stop eating malasadas. It's like me and pasta, dudeface." -true words there

"Oh, it's two, and you know what I'm gonna do? I'll just blast this song all day!" -GLADION IS BACK WITH HIS AWESOME BATTLE THEME REMIX THAT I JUST SUNG TO!

"I attach hearts to my Gladion." -I claimed him right there, see, 'my Gladion'?

"God bless cutie pie Gladion and his amazing music." -yes, god bless him!

"Hey mom, Hau only has one volume!" -it took her a while to figue out what the heck I meant

"Gladion, would you like some Top Ramen?" -what does Gladion like to eat, anyway?
Jul 17, 2020 by Gau
And I'm the leafy minister! What fun
Jul 17, 2020 by Amethyst
Ok then lol. Did you see ar's title for you in the leaf club?
Jul 17, 2020 by Amethyst