No, don't be depressed. It isn't going to be long at all, really. Five days will pass in a few blinks of the eye. I wish I could find some internet there <3
Jul 17, 2020
"Gladion said something about me?! What'd he say?! What'd he say?!" -please let it be sweet words
"Ah, yes. I'm the super... Hariyama... slap blaster!" -ain't I fancy?
"Ha ha, Lillie's eyes are little dot polkas!" -amazing, I always wanted dot polka eyes
"Duh duh nuh duh nuh... Acerola!" -great singer I am
"Lillie's a sweaty armpit princess!" -wow, that's what I called my favorite female character
"Your dad's a fart butt!" -I'm sure Acerola was so pleased to hear that
"Royal hair head!" -what was in my kiwi strawberry juice?
"I don't wanna hear any more Epic Tales Of Fart Butt, thank you." -am I high or just crazy?
"Hey, it's Samsung 360 Oak!" -was the Samsung 360 actually a thing?
"I don't wanna show you a snazzy fart cat." -kill me
"Now I can Fly your hat face to space and back." -fun trip
"Casey, Casey, Casey, breaking in your face-y..." -for a little Pyukumuku, he sure sounds threatening
"What're you guys trying to do? Pee on the bus stop?" -yes, that's totally what they're doing
"I don't want your bus stop! You probably peed on it!" -totally not immature in the slightest
"Casey just punched a Houndour's skull in." -dude
"Yeah, you stand up to pee on bus stops!" -why is it that when I say something dumb, I bring it up for, like, the nect ten quotes?
"Wow, you guys sure pee on heavy objects." -frick, I haven't stopped yet
"I like cute Pokemon. And cute people." -that much was obvious, and also yay, I stopped talking about Team Skull peeing on a bus stop
"Oh god, the Derp Tree Express." -I wish I could just climb up the mountain
"Rotom, stop flattering me every five second." -I cannot take all the complements
"Yes, game, Professor Needs-A-Shirt is the Masked Doofus, we know." -yeah, get it out of our faces
"Hau will never stop eating malasadas. It's like me and pasta, dudeface." -true words there
"Oh, it's two, and you know what I'm gonna do? I'll just blast this song all day!" -GLADION IS BACK WITH HIS AWESOME BATTLE THEME REMIX THAT I JUST SUNG TO!
"I attach hearts to my Gladion." -I claimed him right there, see, 'my Gladion'?
"God bless cutie pie Gladion and his amazing music." -yes, god bless him!
"Hey mom, Hau only has one volume!" -it took her a while to figue out what the heck I meant
"Gladion, would you like some Top Ramen?" -what does Gladion like to eat, anyway?
Jul 17, 2020