ok xD. also this is my last wall post of the hour so... yeah xD. i guess ill reply once you leave ur answer
Jul 18, 2020
Hey also do you think me making a Smogon account could help me with competitive?
Jul 18, 2020
oh great. you really do put a lot of effort. or maybe it's just that bad xD
Jul 18, 2020
hey y how r u coming along with my trainwreck of a team lol
Jul 18, 2020
past midnight and im afraid of being "caught"
Jul 18, 2020
*Ack. Protect with a Choice Scarf. Never a good idea. Really, status moves with any choice item is a bad idea. Also, Pelipper does much better with a Damp Rock (you’ll see why), even though this isn’t a rain team.*
*Pelipper @ Damp Rock
Ability: Drizzle
EVs: 248 HP / 232 Def / 28 SpA
Bold Nature
- Defog
- U-turn
- Hurricane
- Scald*
*That’s the set I run. Damp Rock increases the turns of Drizzle rain. The EVs make it bulky, with a bit of a boost to special attack. Bold increases Defense at the cost of lowering Attack. Defog clears entry hazards. U-Turn is pivoting, in case you get yourself into a tricky situation. Hurricane is STAB that will never miss in the rain. Scald is STAB with a burn chance, and it’s boosted by the rain.*
*The Dragapult set you’ve made is completely walled by Fairy types. I would use a Special Dragapult, since it’s arguably better due to having more options for moves. I would definitely switch out the Rocky Helmet as well.*
*Dragapult @ Choice Specs
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Thunder
- U-turn
- Shadow Ball*
*I would try this set instead. Choice Specs boost your special attack, at the cost of only being able to select the first move it executes until it switches out. Infiltrator bypasses Substitute. The EVs max out it’s speed and Special Attack. Timid lowers Attack and boosts Speed. Draco Meteor is STAB, and it works well with the constant switching you do with a Choice item. Thunder has perfect accuracy in the rain, which Pelipper sets up. U-Turn is pivoting in case you afford to be Choice locked into another move. Shadow Ball is STAB.*
*Clefable could definitely be better. I would try a more bulky set with Leftovers and Magic Guard.*
*Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 172 Def / 84 SpDef
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Psyshock
- Stealth Rock
- Soft-Boiled*
*This is the set I run for it. Leftovers allows it to gradually heal itself. Magic Guard allows it to ignore things such as Burn/Poison damage, entry hazard damage, and Leech Seed. The EVs are for pretty good bulk. Bold lowers Attack and raises defense. Moonblast is STAB. Psyshock covers Poison types. Stealth Rock sets up entry hazards. Soft-Boiled is for healing.*
*I don’t think Articuno is a good choice, also, the EVs you’ve assigned to it don’t suit the set at all. I guess you could make Articuno work, let’s see what I can do.*
*Articuno @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 140 HP / 188 SpA / 180 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Roost
- Tailwind
- Toxic
- Ice Beam / Freeze-Dry*
*Ok, so this is the set I came up with. Leftovers are, once again, for slowly healing you every turn. Pressure is to try to PP stall the opponent, maybe on a Choiced set. The EVs allow it some bulk, power, and speed. Modest is for the Special Attack boost. Roost is for healing. Tailwind is support. Toxic is for damaging your opponent more and more over time. Ice Beam and Freeze-Dry are STAB, Freeze-Dry hits Water types super effectively and Ice Beam is more powerful.*
Jul 18, 2020
Jul 18, 2020
Jul 18, 2020
I'm gonna randomly tell you about what happened in Pika's battle with Guzma in my imagination. The first time she battled, she lost. She was very annoyed about it, and quickly rode back on her Ride Charizard. She brought Revives this time. And when she saw Malie Garden from the air, she let go of Charizard, falling from I don't even know how many feet in the air. She looked pretty beat up due to that fall, especially one of her arms, which had a cut on it, but she stood up to battle again. Her eyes went red with anger partway through that battle, and Rotom was scared of her. Then she won the battle, and afterwards collapsed after her eyes went back to light blue. Also, the arm cut was bandaged up, which she didn't approve of. She was acting cold and agressive all of a sudden, and didn't want to have her injuries healed. This, of course, surprised her friends.
Now I'll let you guess what's happening next. :3
Jul 18, 2020
I did a new RMT that's waiting to be approved
Jul 18, 2020