That's bad. Will you be okay?
Jul 27, 2020
You are? What? Why? Are you okay?
Jul 27, 2020
And I'm so glad you don't plan on leaving. That would've been heartbreaking.
Jul 27, 2020
I've been forgiving? Patient? Thank you. I'm so glad you like me, I'm so lucky. You know you're also amazing, right?
Charmed? Really? Me too, Y. Me too.
Jul 27, 2020
Yes, it died very hard. But... what happened? I saw X's post on your wall below this...
The Glazio News
Lots of in Ultra Moon. I beat Nanu and went to Aether, defeating everyone who stood in my way and avoiding everyone I could because I hate battling random nerds. I got to Lusamine and beat her up, and she left to the Ultra Wormhole to fight Necrozma. Too bad Guzma didn't die in there. Lillie got a new outfit and Gladion gave me a Master Ball. Like, holy frick, man, where did you get that?! And also I want huggles. Anyways... I went to Poni Island and Hapu became Kahuna, then we eventually headed to Vast Poni Canyon AKA Victory Road Of Alola. The trial there was a joke. A very sad joke. I one-shot Jangmo-o and Hakamo-o with Moonblast and headed to face off against Totem Kommo-o. It used Poison Jab and Sweetie the Primarina survived and used Moonblast. Totem Kommo-o was holding a Roseli Berry or whatever it was called, but Sweetie got a critical hit, and that ended that "epic" battle. Then I went to the Altar Of The Moone and Nebby evolved into Lunala before Necrozma appeared and fused with her. And yes, Lunala is technically female. So I faced off against Dawn Wings Necrozma, which was pretty easy. It left and I had to go to Ultra Megopolis or whatever it was called to stop Ultra Necrozma. So two Ultra Warp Rides later, I made it and went to face up against Ultra Necrozma. I won thanks to Casey the Pyukumuku! Now, I know what you're thinking. "How could a Pyukumuku beat Ultra Necrozma?" Well, Ultra Necrozma used Photom Geyser, but thanks to the power of friendship, technically affection, he dodged and used Toxic. He was quickly taken out by the next attack, but that Innards Out took out half of Ultra Necrozma's HP. I eventually revived Casey and another Innards Out finished off Ultra Necrozma. And how I worded that made Innards Out sound like a move instead of an ability, but you get the point. Light was restored to Alola and I got a Poipole. I named it Gladion and stuffed it in a PC box. No, I dunno what I'll do with it, probably trade it for something. I went to do Mina's trial and beat her with ease. However, then I had to collect those flower petals and lost to Ilima. Very sad. That's the news. A whopper this time, huh? See ya!
Jul 27, 2020
I have no clue what to say except “wow” tiu two (u and x) are well dare i say ut? In live yep i said it. Also xasteele’s bext chapter is up
Jul 27, 2020
Dyla N
God. Chat's depressing. I don't really know what to say to you, Y, but...
I'm sorry, if I really am one of the reasons you stayed when you needed to go. I'm sorry, if I truly did keep you here.
I just want you to know. I like you, I like you a lot, and I'm glad you didn't leave then. I'd be extremely sad if you left now, seeing as we now know we like each other. If you do leave, I understand.
But please. Remember me if you do.
Jul 27, 2020
Y, just accept that you're sweet sometimes, ok? <3
Jul 27, 2020
I do what I must to prove your sweetness.
Jul 27, 2020
Heh. Nice try, though <3
Jul 27, 2020