Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for user74534 (page 11)

Nov 9, 2020 by BottomlessSea
Having your name as a curse word and the devils number for 3 months and then whining about one person cursing (and it’s not even against the rules) is quite hypocritical imo
Nov 9, 2020 by BottomlessSea
"How do you know that I'm living in my mom's house? Huh!?"

I'm pretty sure everyone's parents try to limit the amount of swear words their kids say lol
Nov 9, 2020 by themodernage
This confusing buttons!! Ughh!!
Nov 9, 2020 by user74534
I mean, your name was literally a swear word for like 3 months lmao
Nov 9, 2020 by BottomlessSea
Mods don't take decisions to stop people using swear words without directing them at anyone because it is a huge waste of time. This isn't school or your mom's house so people swear on the internet as much as they want and unless they direct said word towards someone it isn't an issue at all.

Also as HT said "You can't even see the word, so it's not like I'm teaching any kids who don't know what curse words are. You're going to find people cursing on the internet wherever you go" so you don't have to go elementary school principal on everyone here because believe it or not, there are some people here that are over 6 years old
Nov 9, 2020 by themodernage
Nov 9, 2020 by Felix⠀
What's wrong with it? I don't see anything wrong with it. Then again, I'm very tired. Do you mind pointing out what's wrong with it?
Nov 8, 2020 by ♥~Morpekochu~♥
-- that's not to say there's anything wrong with being offended by it, but I'm just saying that there's no reason to make a big deal about it. You can't even see the word, so it's not like I'm teaching any kids who don't know what curse words are. You're going to find people cursing on the internet wherever you go.
Nov 8, 2020 by Hellfire Taco
I was not offended by cursing undirected at me when I was fourteen. I don't really think that age is a reason to be offended.
Nov 8, 2020 by Hellfire Taco