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Wall for trachy (page 47)

Again, Valve sucks. Steam is basically a monopoly. Electronic Arts somehow manages to have a more consumer friendly storefront.
Apr 21, 2014 by trachy
Yoshi's Story, PMD: Explorers of Sky, Kirby AirRide, Mario Party 4, Sonic Adventure 1+2, Primordia
Apr 19, 2014 by trachy
Unfortunately, I haven't played either game. But I did do a little bit of digging to figure some information out.

De blob does seem to involve motion controls, as it's required for jumping and transforming, which I'm assuming are two of the core mechanics you'll need for this kind of game.

Little King's Story seems to have no motion controls. I found this from looking up a review that outright said it had no motion control (oddly enough, the reviewer listed this as a criticism :P) and checking the controls on two sites.
Apr 19, 2014 by DarkTyphlosion
Yoshi's Story, PMD: Explorers of Sky, Kirby AirRide, Mario Party 4, Sonic Adventure 1+2
Apr 19, 2014 by trachy
You asked what my definition of friend would be. You left before I could say it, so lez put it here c;?

A friend is someone who you feel comfortable sharing your experiences to, who's willing to listen to you. Supports you, and someone you can depend on, and someone who you can trust to tell you the truth, even if it's a bad truth. Oh and of course someone you have fun with c; especially at your own expense or their expense c;.
Apr 16, 2014 by Sempi
Feeling down. Don't get on my bad side, or there will be consequences.
Apr 15, 2014 by trachy
My program's a unique breed because we didn't have homework in Journalism, so no matter what, I usually had my evenings, Saturday mornings and Sundays free. The only real exception was unless I decided on my own to attend something for a story (City Hall meetings, legislature, concert/fundraiser/protest, etc.)
Apr 14, 2014 by ~-~WILL~-~
I usually have about 20 hours a week if things are fine.
Apr 14, 2014 by trachy
But only if the other Gods are Dionysus and Satan.
Apr 14, 2014 by MrKijani