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Wall for trachy (page 57)

can I at least have the up votes that I worked so freekin hard on back?
Sep 2, 2013 by geodudedude
*now, if that matters
Sep 1, 2013 by Emty
As a matter of fact, Trachy, I did randomly start book 4 *prays that trachy won't kill me in my sleep* I didn't get the others before, but know I got The Gunslinger, so I'm reading that. Also, about the other books you mentioned, I didn't find them in the library, as Stephen King is more-or-less uncommon here in India :(
BTW, How's the last book in the Dark Tower series?
Sep 1, 2013 by Emty
Yeah, its real kind of you. I've tried laxatives, but they don't help. Thanks.
Aug 31, 2013 by melcakes
The way you post things on your wall like this makes me want to poop. :&
Aug 31, 2013 by melcakes
Tips on writing better answers:

1. When to paragraph is something I find to be fairly important. Don't make each new sentence a paragraph. Instead, keep similar ideas in the same paragraph. When you change tangents, that's when you should make a new paragraph. This makes things easier for people to read.

2. Proper spelling. All browsers come with a spell-checker. If yours doesn't, update it! If for some reason you can't, put your work through Microsoft Word and let its spell-checker do the work. This goes a long way towards having people take your posts seriously.

3. Grammar. Grammar is something that is nigh on impossible to perfect. I've read books on grammar that have numerous grammatical errors. But you don't need to have even near perfect grammar on a Pokemon site. I sure don't, as it would be far too time consuming. However, you do need some of the standards of grammar. Capitalization of the first word of each sentence and proper nouns is a must. Again, Word can help you out here. Word is quite awful when it comes to grammar, but it does catch the minor mistakes that people will pay attention to.

4. Include sources. Go to bulbapedia and have a source for your information. Of course, bulbapedia isn't infallible (I know that better than most people, having had a joke of mine actually end up on bulbapedia and also losing a tournament match because bulbapedia had incorrect information) so backing it up with your own personal experience or another site is a good idea for some of the more skeptical users (such as myself). You might not have the first answer, but having the correct answer is more important.
Aug 29, 2013 by trachy
Well, Humble Origin bundle is over with $10.5 raised. Most of that going to charity probably, around 85% if most people went for the standard split. While that's pretty huge, what is probably more important is the 2,136,893 people who bought from the Humble Bundle. This raises the Humble Bundle's name recognition, which means that charity will probably gain even more support in future bundles. These people will also now be introduced to any future Humble Indie Bundles. Shame though that instead of launching off the success of the Origin bundle to have what would easily be their most successful indie bundle to date, they went for the Comedy bundle. Feel that was pretty mismanaged there. Guess the Paradox bundle will get more attention, but they aren't indie now are they?
Aug 29, 2013 by trachy
Very well then. geodudedude, your ban and your lower amount of points are linked together. You were banned mainly for one reason, and that was badgering people to upvote you, often with promises of upvotes to them for doing so. This in spite of repeated warnings not to do so as well as a previous ban for the same exact thing.

We don't just make up rules without reason behind them. The Pokebase is a system that works based on upvoting. When a question is answered with a good, well thought out answer, that answer is then upvoted. The answer with the most votes is the one that the community considers to be the best answer to that question. These highest upvoted answers are the ones that will garner attention. Other people who have these same exact questions will be drawn to the question we have here. And they'll expect the highest upvoted answer to answer their question is a satisfactory manner. Now what happens when that system is disrupted and answers that don't deserve to be the highest upvoted answer become the highest upvoted manner? To be frank, the entire site ends up looking like it's full of pre-teens who don't know a lick about Pokemon. And these people will no longer end up using the site. This means that we might miss out on people who would have been of great benefit to the community. It for sure means that since they won't visit here again, Pokemaster loses out on ad revenue. I've commented before that many of your answers have poor grammar and spelling, poor formatting, and are just overall lacking. So if people are upvoting your stuff, that is the image we present to the rest of the internet.

You have shown yourself to be irresponsible when it comes to using your voting privileges. Now there might be the temptation to continue asking for upvotes. Don't worry, the moderators have made it easy on you. Until you have shown yourself to be a more responsible user, you will be prevented from having the points needed to vote.

Another aspect of your ban was your insistence on necro-posting. As for why necro-posting is bad, I believe I outlined that the last time I brought up the issue with you.

Hopefully you will actually listen to what I have to say and better yourself from it, rather than just brushing it off because it doesn't filter through the bubble which keeps out ideas that don't fit into your line of thinking.
Aug 29, 2013 by trachy
@geo: The Swords Dance one was hidden through flags by the community because moveset questions are not allowed (the rules page makes this very clear). The Nasty Plot one was hidden by me for the same reason.

If have anymore questions, talk to me via my wall. Since I'm the one hid hit it, I think it'd be a more appropriate place to talk about it.
Aug 29, 2013 by Fizz
Geodudedude, read the rules before complaining.
Aug 29, 2013 by JarJar