Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for themodernage (page 115)

Oct 9, 2020 by themodernage
poggers literally 54 points left :O
Oct 9, 2020 by themodernage
Is your avatar sword Kirby?(I'm not fan, I just google image searched)
Oct 9, 2020 by Tensa Zangetsu
Wow. Amazing fanfic.
Oct 9, 2020 by ~DracoMeteor~
very close to reaching my most epic milestone yet
Oct 8, 2020 by themodernage
You can change your username to Kirby the Picasso
Oct 8, 2020 by A typical glance.
Wtf is that fanfic. I LOVE IT XD
Oct 8, 2020 by A typical glance.
I made a fanfic :P

Kirby’s sad love story

One day, Kirby got bored of Planet Popstar, and decided to explore the universe. So, he warped all the way over to the Pokémon world, and landed in the Johto region, near a mountain where a meteor had crashed recently. There, she saw her. Cleffa was beautiful. He showed her his warp star, took her on an adventure in space, and they were very happy. However, when Kirby admitted his feelings, Cleffa said she was lesbian and dating a Igglybuff. Kirby got depressed and went back to Planet Popstar. Stories say, he hasn’t recovered from the incident ever since.
Oct 8, 2020 by themodernage
Most excellent. I approve
Oct 8, 2020 by Amethyst
I will change my name to........
Oct 8, 2020 by ~BulbaBruh™~