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Wall for Victini Victory (page 5)

But I don't judge so whatever you want
Aug 23, 2014 by PX
Dunno why but I blushed at 'Japanese girls (and boys for you as well)' >.> <.<.
When I said go on a killing spree, it was just a figure of speech..;~;
Aug 23, 2014 by PX
You shouldn't be conflicted, do what makes you feel better. Religion, at it's core, is just a system of maintaining a sense of peace and safety, making the follower feel better about their life in general. Just find or do something that makes you happy and feel safe. That could range from being a nice person to going on killing sprees xD. As long as you feel good by the end, I don't really ******* care what it is.

Hex became a douchebag when he abused power, threatened many members and tried to hack into both the Db and the server, for the sake of his gf, who happened to be my ex gf...

You don't have to answer something that's uncomfortable. Just ignore me :P. But yeah, I get the picture. I do want to move out of the UK, but just because I want to live in Japan :D. It sounds perfect for me.
Aug 23, 2014 by PX
Sorry, one last thing, I never met a single bi/gay person until last year xD. It can happen in a matter of days, depending your specific characteristics (and mental stability, something with no meaning to me :P)
Aug 22, 2014 by PX
Sorry for spamming your wall again, but I've got a (rather odd) question: Do you plan on moving out of Pakistan if/when you can? From what you tell me, you seem to have a very negative attitude, although that does actually equate to your personality in general  , so it's hard to tell if you're just pushing down negatives to make positives seem better or are actually finding where you live unpleasant?
Aug 22, 2014 by PX
I wouldn't say that I invented my own religion as such (that'd just be arrogant xD) but I guess I created my own 'faith' that I live by every day (as in something that has rules, teachings, meanings and and end goal). I like to think I understand other Religion's views on Gay people, but I honestly have no clue. Most of them have different reactions as well. When hex wasn't being a douche bag, I told him and he just went 'Cool. Does Charlotte know [my gf at the time]?", and he's deeply Christian. So I don't really understand, but one of my personal 'teachings' is to accept others no matter what circumstance in which they choose not to accept you. I'm not always very good with this, but I'm about 80% accurate with it, and since it's my own teachings, I decide if it was bad enough for punishment XD. It's possible to actually have your 'Religion' be official (post 18), but most religions become spread over thousands of years through silly stores and made up sources, even if the teachings are good.
Aug 22, 2014 by PX
Whether they admit it or not, 99% of guys are attracted to other males at some stage in their life, normally when they're very young, because their brain is basically doing what you're saying now, going "Do I..? Don't I..? Do I.? Don't I..?". It's just making decisions prematurely to decide on what type of sex it wants later on in life xD. It's all completely normal, and even if you're not bi, it's normal to be attracted to other guy somewhat. It's only if you're willing to date other guys openly (I guess :p) when you become 'bi'.

I said become on purpose btw. Despite people saying It's natural because we were born like this", while it is natural, very rarely are people born thinking that they like other men/women more than the opposite gender. Most of it happens during stages like what you were going through at 12, the brain deciding on what it subconsciously wants. In cases like mines, being exposed intimiatley with other people of the same agenda brings about emotions and stages of realisation.
Aug 22, 2014 by PX
I get annoyed and irritated easily. It's VERY hard to make me angry, very little can do it. Plus, it was that girl called Mewicune. If anyone knows about her, well yeah. You'd get the picture. At the time I was so love blind I didn't give a **** about what she did.   

People tend to think that being bi means you find both males and females equally attractive. This is not true. It's a 80-20 split for me (girls being the 80 :P). I just like to make jokes and weird people out who don't like it :D. I do find guys to be easier to handle though. Women are impossible to understand in general -.-;
Aug 22, 2014 by PX
Sorry, one more thing before I stop spamming your wall. You just reminded me of a conversation a while back.

Me: '[Insert User's name I forgot here], you realize that I actually am (I think you can guess what :P), so if you're gonna make tasteless jokes, at least make them funny

Flaming&Smoking: Same here, Graveyard. Let's share rainbows!

Me: I hate rainbows. They disgust me

Flaming&Smoking: Fine, more rainbows for me then
Aug 19, 2014 by PX
btw, I only 'found out'  that I was bi about a year ago, when my gf started flirting to other girls and talked about that kinda stuff and started getting me thinking about's hard to explain but it was kinda a realisation type thing. I got celebrity crushes and stuff, I thought it was just me fanboy-ing but apparently not.
Aug 19, 2014 by PX