Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Toucanadian (page 4)

Woah, you changed your username! I too late to point this out?
Aug 10, 2017 by KRLW890
Sorry for the late reply, but yeah, Doomfist's ult radius and LT abilities are just obscenely strong and the recharge is only 4 seconds to my knowledge so you're getting your one shot ability back at an alarming rate but yet they nerf Roadhog who's hook is on an 8 second recharge I'm pretty sure Jeff Kaplan hates me at this point lul
Aug 7, 2017 by Lorna Shore
As long as there's enough specifics to allow it to be answered objectively, I they're fine.
commented 3 hours ago by Toucanadian

I they're fine, too, Mr. Editor.
Aug 5, 2017 by Hellfire Taco
Thank goodness, that's a load off my chest. You are a cool dude :)
Aug 5, 2017 by Clobboot
Hello Astr- I mean, Toucanadian. I would like to know if you were offended by my post "Congratulations Mr. Toaster!" because you didn't respond. I was just trying to be funny since your profile says you're a toaster. I didn't mean any harm. Also it's unsettling when I upset someone and didn't know. (Also I know you're not really a toaster)
Aug 4, 2017 by Clobboot
Ah, dang. I just got back into the swing of Overwatch since basically all the games I played on a regular basis became boring. I will say the Doomfist spam is kinda starting to wear on my patience especially with constant one shotting where as my old main Roadhog got nerfed into the ground. Honestly might head back to Nioh
Aug 4, 2017 by Lorna Shore
Hey Astro, do you still play Overwatch frequently?
Aug 4, 2017 by Lorna Shore
Toucannon + Canadian = Toucanadian. Neat.
Aug 3, 2017 by Clobboot