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Wall for Talos (page 17)

Hmm maybe that'll do the work.
Feb 3, 2022 by RaidenTheSworded 雷電
Yeah lol, points don't equate popularity; I'm mostly inactive here, I've just been around a long time. I just like trying to answer and help someone whenever possible.

Oh and I saw ipl mentioned so I just have to declare that I stan rcb.
Feb 1, 2022 by Emty
I'll say. I just recently learned the difference between a volume and a season. I think.

And yep, I read a solid chunk of it. While I did see a bit of the anime before, I didn't have interest in it at the time. Though I probably already said that at some point and don't recall. XD

I chose Popplio. I was gonna go with Litten, because cute fire cat, but when I saw their final evolutions I changed my mind.
Jan 31, 2022 by Gau
I don't really like the IPL, though I usually support CSK.
Jan 31, 2022 by vydestiny
Thanks :)
Unfortunately Australia Day is not a happy day for everyone in our country, but hopefully one day that will change.
Jan 27, 2022 by Fizz
hello, im an earthling who wants to be friends with you.
also what is ultimate sipder man? never heard of it.
Jan 26, 2022 by Chaos481
Hello and welcome to the site (although you're more active than me)!
I'm glad you heard of me, but I'm usually super inactive, and not very famous around here. Maybe you're confusing me with someone else?
I was definitely frens with Fizz a few years ago but didn't hang out around here much for him to call me his bestie or anything xD

As for the state, I'm mostly in the solid-liquid state more than any of the ones you mentioned. I put country music there a long time ago but it doesn't mean much as I don't listen to a lot of music :/
Jan 25, 2022 by Emty
L they've dropped
Jan 25, 2022 by vydestiny
What version? Uh... (wracks brain) the one where the soul of the Magical Poker Midget's (also known as Yugi) grandfather is stolen by this lame bad guy with dumb hair and a Millennium Eye, and Yugi has the Millennium Puzzle and there's this Pharaoh guy and- actually I have no idea how to answer that question. XD

Oh yeah, I have a soft spot for Gen 5 too. In fact, the Black & White manga was what got me interested in Pokemon. Before then, I was neutral about Pokemon, but I guess something about the manga fascinated me. I started reading about it, watching it, and eventually playing the games. Funny how I have soft spots for both Gens 3 and 5 and yet my favorite Gen is 7.
Jan 24, 2022 by Gau
Alroght then, why are yiu in earths core? Isn’t a little hot there? You can try to use them but i hope they don’t come after me! I look human wouldn’t want to get mistaken for one
Jan 24, 2022 by Dyla N