Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Syl ™ (page 9)

I meant litten :p
Jan 23, 2021 by themodernage
Jan 23, 2021 by themodernage
Omg yes good job
Jan 23, 2021 by Amethyst
S h o u l d i t r u s t y o u i n f o a s f a c t ?
Jan 23, 2021 by A typical glance.
The two posts below both pertajn to the Alice-Pokemon fic that i’m temliraily calling “Wonderful World Of Pokemon”  i still n plan on doing it but i dkn’t have all the  components  Yet.
Jan 23, 2021 by Dyla N

Marina Hatterly is a far cry from normal and she doesn’t care.  In fact she’s  actually (literally) slightly crazy. Her and her dad, a milliner from Kalos, are outsiders in their home town of Rindwell in Trigon even though it’s been 3 years. As a result of being outcasted Marina has no friends and her dad’s Business is in danger of closing. Marina wants to travel but she also dosed’t want to leave her dad. Then her dad tells her she needs to go out and see the region they call home for herself.  Not having much of a choose she leaves.  Marina almost immediately starts seeing strange visions as. Soon as she leaves. In these visions she hears a cry for help but who would want a crazy milliner’s daughter’s help? She also has several encounterS with Team Royale a mysteries Organization led by a “Queen” who wants to capture and harness Trigon’s legendary Pokemon.

OCs fMain)

Name: Marina Hatterly
Age: 13
Region/City: Rindwell Town
Parents : Marlon Hatterly AKA Mad Hatter
Appearance: Pong crayola red hair with teal streaks, teal eyes that look slightly crazed and wild, light skin, slender and short. She wears a purple high-low short-sleeved top with gold sequins that spell “Crazy and Proud,” gold leggings with purple cupcakes all over, purple ballet flats. A gold top hat shaped pendant, and a gold handmade-by-her-dad beret that us studded with purple gems she carries a teal backpack.

Personality: as stated she’s crazy. Marina never seems to run out of Energy no matter what. She’s loud and bubbly very extroverted. She trues to help a lor but either loses patience or messes up epically. She’s generally fun but is prone to getting sad for absolutely no reason so ever. She cries easy but laughs even easier.    

 Name: Chase Kat
Age: 13
Gender; male
Hometown Cherryvale Town
Parent(s) Cheshire CatChance Kat

Appearance, chin-length purple-black hair, violet eyes, dark skin, slender, average height. He wears a long-sleeved blacn V-Neck shirt, purple jeans, black tennis shoes, a magenta hoodie with a silver cat face on it and cat wars ln top of hood. As well as a purple knapsack.

Personality: chase is quick, quick tempered, quick moving and quick thinking. He , up til recently, thought he and his dad were the onlyb”freaks” around. Chade has never been a person his own age until he meets Marina and her friend.   When he’s asked uf he’d like to travel he immediately agrees.he  also seems to attract cat-like Pokemon.

Team: his partner is a Purrloin that’s as sneaky and stealthy as him.

No nane
Gender Female
NaTure: Naughty

Moves (at beginning)
Scratch, Assist,tackle.
Jan 23, 2021 by Dyla N
Wonderful World of Pokemob
A fusion of Alice’s adventures in Wonderland and Pokemon.

“Map” “list of towns, cities, places.

Rindwell, a small town where the people make a living off the fruit plants they grow. Marina’s hometown she and her dad are mostly shunned for their  dislike of conformity.

Route 20, a small tree lined almost Grove like route between Rindwell and Pastela.Pastela Town, a slightly larger town than Rindwell they’re known for everything being pale even the people! It has a Pokemon Center that looks different from the others ut has a pink roof instead of reand the blue is powder blue.

Route 4p,  a rainbow of a route the trees, rocks and geas is multi hued and has two cherry trees that mark the enteric to

Cherryvale City, the first gym city! Ut us large and has a clothing shop, a jewelry shop and a bakery where Trigon cherry tarts are made. The gym is a Grass gym the leader is Nadia.

Shimmering Woods, these woods seem to shine 24/7 and somewhat unusual Pokemon live here. It connects Cherryvale to Summerdale.

Summerdale Town, it’s alwats hit here as a volcano sits at it’s border. The Colton is rumored to house a legendary Pokemon.

Summerdale Desert, a vast Desert where trainers go to improve their skills.

Aracna City, a city thatlooks more like a rainforest than a city.  To access the gym you either need to fly or use vina. the gym is Bug type the keader is Sibyl.

Route 60, a perpetually warm and rainy route. It has a River Ride where trainers eace wach other.

Streamgate City, a bug water park of a city  you must go through an obstacle course to reach the gym. Yhird gym is water leader is  shale (male) this city has a clothes shop, a surf shop and a bakery that makes Trigon blueberry tarts.

Gem Cave, a cace between Streamgate and Lantanna City. It’s full of gems that make pokemon stronger  and Evolution stones. There are so many gems ut looks like a kaleidoscope inside and isn’t dark.

Lantanna City, a city much pike Lumiose in Kalos only less modern, there are s and bakeries and even a tea shop where you have to dress up to be allowed in.The fourth gym is Electric type leader is Lana.       

Nightshade Valley, a gloomy valley full of poison Pokemon. It connects Lantanna to Rocks-to  Rockstone City.

Rockstone City, home to the fifth gym a city surrounded by a rock wall . Gym is ground-type leader is Ryder.

Route 80, less of a route and more of a narrow path  going up Blackgate mountain

Blackgate Mountain, a tall mountain teasers need to climb to arch Eagleclaw villa.

Eagleclaw villa, a village like area it’s also called Eagleclaw square theres a bakery that makes and seeks two kinds of Trigon tart. Lemmon and lime.

Eagleclaw City the chattier part of Eagleclaw theres. A gym, a clothes shop   And  a  flight training school. The sixth gym is Flying-type leader Winston.   

Frigid Pass/Roure 110, Frigid pass was once a mountain but over the years humans carved a path, recently there was a rockslide and now large boulders block some parts. Route 110 is a long path that branches to different areas. Go straight from frigid Pass to reach Snowfall falls and Snowfall City.

Snowflake Falls , a frozen waterfall and river cross the river to reach Snowfall City.

Snowfall Cjty, a winter wonderland of a city. It’s large with two cliches shops, a hair salon, and a Pokemon ice rink where  trainers with Pokemon can grow closer by skating together.
Seventh gym is Ice-type leader is Ike.

Route 130, a route that dosed’t follow natures laws, it’s divided into sections, Spring (subsection Meadow and Valley) summer (subsection jungle and rainforest)  autumn (subsection craggy cluffs and mountainous) and winter (subsection cave and wetland) i
Only highly experienced trainers can access the subsections as there are several species of incredibly strong Pokemon. Following the regular sections teasers can reach Blazeray Cjty.

Blazeray City, a Savannah of a City it’s always hot and dusty here. There is a clothes shop a hair salon and a bakery that sells strawberry Trigon tart. There is also a firmal rea shop. Eighth gym is Fire-type leader is Cole.

Route 150-210/victory road, these three routes lead teasers with 8 badges tp the Elute Four and Moonlight peak. Elite four, Justine ;dark)  Talis (psychic) Kirsten (fighting) Aros (ghost) champion  Ryker (Rock(

Moonlight Peak: a smallish mountain where it’s said trainers can travel to other worlds at night.

What Are Trigon Tarts?
Trigon tarts are a warm danish like food that come in five ordinary flavors Cherry, Strawberry, Blueberry, lemon and lime. Each flavor has a different affect on Pokemon.
Blueberry = geace, speed and beauty
Cherry = power and endurance
Strawberry = charm and sweetness
Lemon =   Stamina And dfense
Lime = cleverness and social attack and special defense

There are countless other kinds trainers can make using less common ingredients (ue Oran berries, Figy berries...)
Jan 23, 2021 by Dyla N
It’s okay! Huh she might’ve deleted it. You’ve knly missed two chag fjghts this week XD. And no i haven’t i’m wajting for egends from Primal i was suppised to have em like a few days ago but i dkn’t want to annjy him to death about it. I’m also wkndering jf i just wkn’t get them i’m not good enough  to make legends and i wouldn’t know who else to. Ask.  I capost the kntrl if yku like. Jn the mean time imma go make a ciupke OCs for an idea invliving the Alien characters from DC i can post that too later.the l
Jan 23, 2021 by Dyla N
omg youre so smart syl
Jan 23, 2021 by Amethyst