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Wall for Syl ™ (page 70)

So last week at the Raptor Center a lady brought in a box of baby barn owls that her friend had found. They're so ugly and so cute at the same time, oh and boy did they have voices! Barn owls are sooo noisy. They were all from the same clutch but hatched at different times so some were bigger than others. They were put in an incubator and snuggled up under a feather duster that we use to simulate a mother owl's contact with her chicks.

Thought you might like to see the little babies :)
May 22, 2019 by FlappersFlappers
May 20, 2019 by stall_fest
Doesn't stop people from blowin' things up, though. And sure as Hell won't stop me from watchin' xD

May 18, 2019 by FlappersFlappers
Fireworks in general aren't really a good idea for people or animals... They're dangerous in all different ways -- from the obvious fire-hazard, to the potential for it to go off incorrectly, to the amount of toxins they release into the air. As for animals, they cause a good amount of stress and anxiety to surrounding wildlife. No matter where you set off a firework, there's bound to be animals nearby who will hear it. Fireworks are rarely less than 150 decibels, making it one of the loudest sounds on earth. To put that in perspective, a volcano eruption in 1883 emmited 180 decibels. Also, "profound hearing loss" is described as being unable to percieve sounds below 95d, meaning that even some deaf people can hear fireworks. So yeah, they're pretty bad -- and illegal in most places, though like littering it isn't a law closely watched. However there are almost always regulations on what fireworks you can purchase without a license. Last year in my county, people were outright banned from setting off fireworks because of all the fires we had. So it's not like nobody is paying attention to the immediate dangers they pose -- but other factors like pollution and stress to wildlife tend to go unlooked. Though I will say, you'd probably be surprised how circumstantial the laws are. A lot of them depend on where you live, and even if it's legal in the state you can still get into a lot of trouble for using fireworks in certain areas. When there are regulations, the regulations are strict.

So long story short, it's really just a give and take. Depends on a lot of things. In general, not too good of a thing -- but even large herds of domesticated cows have the potential to release methane into the air in an amount that puts fireworks to shame. So you 'gotta choose your battles :\
May 18, 2019 by FlappersFlappers
I'll be straight with you, I'm not a good enough artist to go crazy overshadowed, and I don't have any way of uploading pictures onto the computor. I srsly do't even have a phone.
May 14, 2019 by steamcrusader
Yeah that battle was the longest I ever had
May 14, 2019 by Primal Kyogre
Wait this is my wall
May 13, 2019 by Syl ™
he's not as rude as RobloxianSceptile though. That moron really loved my attention >:(
May 12, 2019 by CC ☽
May 12, 2019 by BrokenBanette
2 hours ago
i feel like that Glitched Porygon person doesn't like me, even though i never talked to him

Glitched Porygon is just quite serious.
May 12, 2019 by Syl ™