Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Syl ™ (page 53)

If I have my time zones right, I’ll try to be online at 3:00 tomorrow your time.
Apr 27, 2020 by KRLW890
Can you battle anytime today or tomorrow?
Apr 26, 2020 by KRLW890
Have you thought of fighting KRLW890 at all? You're still in the Monotype tourney and have until the 28th to battle. :P
Apr 24, 2020 by Staka~
Thank you! You deserve more than the 30 points I can give you for that answer. I appreciate it!
Apr 23, 2020 by Amethyst
sorry I didn’t mean to call you a non actual person lol
Apr 22, 2020 by cranpper
There's no rule that outlaws it, but 'Game Freak logic' isn't a very helpful answer and I'd like to stem the spread of it, because it distracts people from actually researching about potential answers.
There are some things that truly can't be explained by fans, but there's a massive overlap between those questions and the types of posts we want to start removing for being 'low quality', anyway. Hopefully that makes sense!
Apr 21, 2020 by Fizz
Hmm... If that is a link, it does not work.
Apr 17, 2020 by FlappersFlappers
I’m just being me
Apr 16, 2020 by Dyla N
Thanks SYL hope you’revfriend didn’t mind your late answer (if they did phooey in them)
Apr 16, 2020 by Dyla N