Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Stephwheel8 (page 16)

Fee Mail, Free Mail, or Free Male?
Aug 25, 2021 by siegfriedsystem
Woah, Wurmple can evolve? This will revolutionize the course of history!
Aug 25, 2021 by Puncuation Leader
You're welcome! I like making lists apparently.

Ah, I see.
Aug 24, 2021 by Gau
So I was bored and thought of something. For some Pokemon, you have the pre-evolutions, just not the evolutions. So if you still had those Pokemon...

Grubbin could evolve into Chargabug and then Vikavolt (at Vast Poni Canyon)
Munchlax could evolve into Snorlax (with high friendship)
Tentacool could evolve into Tentecruel
Bagon could evolve into Shelgon and then Salamence
Goomy could evolve into Sliggoo and then Goodra (in rain)
Wimpod could evolve into Golisopod
Shieldon could evolve into Bastiodon
Archen could evolve into Archeops
Nosepass could evolve into Probopass (at Vast Poni Canyon)
Trubbish could evolve into Garbodor
Trapinch could evolve into Vibrava and then Flygon
Gible could evolve into Gabite and then Garchomp
Sneasel could evolve into Weavile (with a Razor Claw at night)
Carvanha could evolve into Sharpedo
Dratini could evolve into Dragonair and then Dragonite
Cosmog could evolve into Cosmoem

With those being level-up evolutions (with some requirements), that narrows the list down to this (I think):

"Slowking, Corsola, Politoed, Milotic, Alomomola, Metagross, Porygon2 and Z, Turtonator, Electivire, Bruxish, Sandslash, Vanillite line, and Scizor"

Of course, that has quite a few trade evolutions:

Slowpoke to Slowking (with a King's Rock)
Poliwhirl to Politoed (with a King's Rock)
Feebas to Milotic (with a Prism Scale)
Metang to Metagross
Porygon to Porygon2 (with an Upgrade) to PorygonZ (with a Dubious Disk)
Electabuzz to Electivire (with an Electirizer)
Scyther to Scizor (with a Metal Coat)

This narrows down the list further:

"Corsola, Alomomola, Turtonator, Bruxish, Sandslash, and Vanillite line"

That really shrunk, huh? Oh, I forgot to mention:

Alolan Sandshrew evolves into Alolan Sandslash (with an Ice Stone)

So yeah:

"Corsola, Alomomola, Turtonator, Bruxish, and Vanillite line"

That narrows it down to captures:

Corsola can be fished up in Melemele Sea (and Route 9 but Melemele Sea has better odds I think)
Alomomola can be fished up in Brooklet Hill (in the Totem's Den)
Turtonator can be found on Blush Mountain
Bruxish can be fished up on Route 13 (and a couple other locations but Route 13 has the best odds I think)
Vanillite can be found in Tapu Village if a Pokemon is SOS chained while it's hailing

I dunno why I did that, but I did.
Aug 24, 2021 by Gau
Updated list

Chargabug, Vikavolt, snorlax, slowking, tentacruel, corsola, toxapex, shellgon, salamence, politoed, milotic, alomomola, sliggoo, goodra, golisopod, bastiodon, archeops, probopass, garbodor, metagross, porygon2 and Z, turtonator, electivire, vibrava, flygon, gabite, garchomp, bruxish, weavile, sandslash, vanillish line, sharpedo, scizor, dragonair, dragonite, and cosmoem
Aug 24, 2021 by Stephwheel8
Objective: Hatch a shiny Phione before Giru does, while trying to complete the Pokédex at the same time.

While also existing outside of Pokémon
Aug 23, 2021 by Stephwheel8
HE IS cute. Thanks for simping with me.
Aug 23, 2021 by siegfriedsystem
Thanks :)

Also, wow, Wurmple can evolve? That’s epic.
Aug 22, 2021 by Nameless ツ
Yeah, that is interesting! I wonder if they'll use it...
Aug 20, 2021 by Gau
Yes yes! Don't forget Magikarp (and maybe the 3 Unova dragons' complete form)
Aug 19, 2021 by Mr. Fish