Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Staka~ (page 33)

hope you're doing well. If you're back, type on my wall asap.

Jul 7, 2018 by CC ☽
ETN is not perma banned lol. You waren't  even mentioned(probably because you are gone):) and Gekky and KRLW890 got promoted to Editor. And ETN got banned for 2 weeks.
when do you come back?! ):

Miss you.
Jul 5, 2018 by Syl ™

sumwun lost to eddaboss (cool dude).
hax, just hax

sumwun's willwisp missed, two crit and Ed's attacks were unpredictable and uncommon (leaf blade gallade etc)

lets congrats ed.

HT+PX are editor, Gekky+KRLW are expert now.
PM said he will promote people who are mentioned in the comments after 7 months (PM wont promote anyone unless their accounts are atleast one year old.

16 people joined the tourney (including gligurr, we talked with him.)

sempi, mike, PM, DT, will are active.

etn is permabanned.
he made a post for unbanning gligurr.

anyway, the mentioned people are,













Helix and Staka.
Jul 3, 2018 by Helix716
Did you really take your time to count how much bricks is on Stakataka? Wow. And they say I have too much time on my hands. :l
Jun 30, 2018 by ♥~Morpekochu~♥ according to that link, there is a a stakataka GX in the up and coming set, celestial storm. just thought you may or may not care.
Jun 29, 2018 by SpillThePolteageist
Sorry I meant 'put,' not 'out.'
Jun 26, 2018 by GinnyEvilShadow
Also I just realized you out me on your friends list. Thank you I favorited you :)
Jun 26, 2018 by GinnyEvilShadow
Stakatacool if you can, could you help me on my recent question? I'm desperate at this point...
Jun 26, 2018 by GinnyEvilShadow
What was your ingame team in the games? I love knowing the pokémons the people like, hehe.
Jun 24, 2018 by Hórus