Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Staka~ (page 14)

no u
May 6, 2019 by Hellfire Taco
Wanna battle now?
May 5, 2019 by Hórus
Oh, cute. Though weird to call that a 'tom cat' fur tbh.
May 5, 2019 by Syl ™
Thanks! Makes much more sense now!
May 5, 2019 by stall_fest
Not sure I want to make a joke response to that man. I hope thing turn out better than you're expecting!
And yeah I'm not surprised I'm around your age. People seem to think I'm older than I am, which is just the internet at work I guess.
May 5, 2019 by Fizz
I'd like to kindly tell you, that i think you meant 'Magearna' instead of 'Mageana'. Hope you don't feel offended! :P (owo how did i make it this long)
May 4, 2019 by Syl ™
No problem; anytime. :P

I've finally been accepted by all of my cats. My brother who is an absolute jerk and is very not nice to every living thing he comes across. He ticks me off a lot, but he tries so little that he probably won't succeed much, if at all; therefore, there is no need for me to punish him now when he'll suffer later. Besides, forcing him to see reality is both not my job and not a job I get payed for, so it isn't worth it. :P

Apparently you're around my age. That's cool, I guess. :P
  1 day ago by Staka~

How many cats you have (not gonna go in depth with house problems)?
May 4, 2019 by Syl ™
I also got problems at home.
First my sister, now my brother (sister doesn't make problems anymore).
May 3, 2019 by Syl ™
Hello there!
May 3, 2019 by Chickenboy2004
That's no good. The home should be a place of tranquility. I hope whatever is happening isn't too stressful.
May 3, 2019 by Clobboot