Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for PsychicX1 (page 34)

I see you've got the best supercomputer on your grav.
Good job! (possible spam lol)
Jun 12, 2014 by Qwerty_Zoom
V Metagross, btw what were all of your previous usernames?
Jun 12, 2014 by Mosmic Dragoon
What is your grav supposed to be? 0.0
Jun 11, 2014 by Đarkheart
Hey ^_^
Jun 10, 2014 by Terlor
Well thanks anyway man I appreciate it :)

Okay Mike no problem, I'll take your word for it that it was a disturbing situation. Although my curiosity is curious, I won't ask you something your not comfortable discussing :)
Jun 9, 2014 by Sir Dan

Jun 9, 2014 by PX
No problem :)

Oh, and I noticed you selected a lot of best answers today, 2 of which were mine so I just want to thank you for that :)

↓ Can I ask what that's about or is best it goes unsaid? :3
Jun 9, 2014 by Sir Dan
Mike. I'm truly sorry for what happened in Hangman. My idiot self said "Hey, why not do what trachy does but make it 100x more offensive?"

Also, p.s., I want to give indigo a taste of her own medicine :P
Jun 8, 2014 by Le Scraf
Oh btw, congrats on winning the Mid Best Moderator Poll :D!
Jun 8, 2014 by Sir Dan
Jun 7, 2014 by ~~Dazzling Sylveon~~