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Wall for PsychicX1 (page 4)

They're different folk? You mean more than one person on our nice server is a filthy weeb? xD

Also promote me please :p

Or at least tell me how I can bribe you into voicing me, thanks
Jul 5, 2018 by Emty
If you ban me I will be back
Jul 5, 2018 by Nuivo
Cool, thanks.

Also next time you're on the server can you demote yandere/ahegao? It's becoming a nuisance.
Jul 4, 2018 by Emty
Waterium Z Keldeo, Mega Medicham, Tapu Lele, Scarf Togekiss, Noivern, Banded Zygarde.

The other, the one I battled with was:
Mega Venusaur, Toxapex, Waterium Z Ash Greninja, Banded Weavile, Sash Mamoswine, Scarf Lando-T
Jul 3, 2018 by Emty
Hey, b/w you and me, which one of the two teams you battled was better?
The one used in the replay or the Medicham one?
Jul 1, 2018 by Emty
Catch me again 1v1. I'll beat you someday. Maybe the next tourney. Also, win the rest and the tourney so my loss doesn't look so bad xD
Jun 28, 2018 by Emty
Great game. Still think you won by chance. Twice. :p

At least I wasn't as trash as I feared xD
Jun 28, 2018 by Emty
Really sorry, I was travelling. Will you be online on the DB server later? I'll look for you there. Also, what can I bribe you with for a sneak peak of your team? :P

PS: Go easy on me, I'm trash. Thanks.
Jun 27, 2018 by Emty
Hey man, looks like I'm paired with you. What time (your timezone) are you usually free for battle? Also, I'd appreciate if we could finish the battle before the weekend, I might not be able to battle on Friday/Saturday.
Jun 25, 2018 by Emty
You have [1 read message] in your inbox, please read again:
Jun 23, 2018 by Nuivo