Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for PsychicX1 (page 11)

Is good to be back hue hue, also no hard feelings for the extra ban day ;)
Jul 5, 2015 by Meowstic
lol no. but so far since i started making it i have seen 3 people ask questions about stuff that can be easily searched on th ere.. so while it isn't necessary, apparently it can be helpful.
Jul 5, 2015 by Your Excellency
Ah okay, ive told him that hes been unbanned
Jul 5, 2015 by Hexahedron
Latios said he wants to be unbanned, idk if you were supposed to do that earlier or he's just wanting to come back now

Also whyd you remove the & in your name :o?
Jul 5, 2015 by Hexahedron
Tell me what you think of this glossary: a few important users (like you) are missing right now, but they'll be added soon :P
Jul 3, 2015 by Your Excellency
doing that currently XD
//puts on nerd glasses
according to my calculations, if it takes 12 minutes to finish mushroom cup and I have 9258 coins, and get ten coins per race every race, i should have to race mushroom cup 18.55 times which should take around 3 hours and 42.6 minutes.

That's all true
Jul 2, 2015 by Hellfire Taco
Hey mike, I have an MK7 question for you...
To unlock the golden glider, do you have to get any random 100 street pass tags or 100 street pass tags that have played MK7?
Do they even have to be tags?
Jul 2, 2015 by Hellfire Taco
Jul 2, 2015 by Chaos Exalted
Hey, there's this thing that's been bothering me a bit about PokeBase questions. I went on a major rant in chat earlier about how people ask questions about cartdriges and DS systems, rather than the games or information about pokemon or the anime/manga.
Basically, questions like this:
This is technically breaking the rules, but I never see these questions flagged so I get confused as whether to flag them or not.

There was this question from a year ago, this was about the DS:

Another type of question is while it could have been about the game, it was about the DS. In certain circumstances it may not have been (like if there was something special about the game making it have different music depending on the system it was in), but this case was just about why the music sounded different.

My most recent question:  is somewhat similar (i guess) but it is asking about ingame stuff and "does it save all this junk etc. etc.", not about the system or game cart. Therefore, I'd think that questions for my type would be allowed, but questions like the first 3 wouldn't.

So I'm gonna talk a little about each of them:
The first one i mentioned, about the emerald game (this also goes for the second question i linked)- It isn't at all about Pokemon, ingame questions, tcg, manga, or anime. it is asking no information reguarding any kind of Pokemon story, glitches, hot to do stuff ingame, etc. And is technically breaking the rules by asking a question about the cartridge, not the game.
If this was happening to the their Zelda or Mario cart, they wouldn't be posting aobut it here. Just because it is a Pokemon cartridge doesn't mean it is any different than other franchise games. All cartridges are the same, the gameplay and experience is what is different, and the cart being broken has nothing to do with the actual Pokemon game.
Are Nintendo console questions allowed and I just didn't know?
Another thing is that the problem is obvious: the game and/or DS is broken somehow. Obviously the Emerald game is broken... so what exactly is it that they want to know?

For the HG sound question - That was about the sound of the game sounding different when on 3DS than on DSi, and was about the systems.

My question was about Rumble and ingame stuff, as I mentioned above.

So finally, I want to ask...

Are these questions allowed? Are questions like mine allowed but not still sort of "rule-breaky"? I"m pretty sure mine is perfectly fine with the rules, but questions like the others seem to break them, especially the emerald question.
So do I flag these or leave them alone? I feel like we should have a meta post for this (if we don't already.. do we?) because I think the problem should be addressed. What's your opinion? Is it really a problem or am I just easily annoyed by silly things?
Jul 1, 2015 by Your Excellency
i'm making this uber-terrible zelda flipnote series. imo the idea isn't that bad, but my horrible drawing skills + my terrible impatient animating = wtf "why is this colored in one frame and totally empty the next?" DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO CONSTANTLY HAVE LINK COLORED IN? Usually if I have him colored in it'll be for the start of the flipnote and then after the episode title intro it becomes totally unfilled, so that it doesn't take me twice as long to make. i seriously spent like 35 minutes this morning adding to a flipnote JUST creating a walking Link, only to discard it when I was almost done with him walking off the screen.

So anyway, the story is:
A kid beats Wind Waker [any%] speedrun in 2 and a half hours, beating the current record (4:03:15) by a LOT and quickly calling his friend to brag. He is then sucked in to his phone for whatever strange reason, and he is teleported into a Zelda game dressed as Link. He fights through enemies and wanders around. Eventually he finds the Old Man, who explains that the game is full of glitches caused by shìt in the video game "universe" and created this boss blob blah blah blah.

ANYWAY I was wondering if you wanted to voice the Old Man or Boss. :3
Jul 1, 2015 by Your Excellency