Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for PX (page 88)

Thank goodness you are better!
I've been well myself. School is being nice to me — for now. Do you watch anime? A friend of mine got me hooked into many cool shows. Case Closed, Attack on Titan, and Hetalia (the latter isn't so cool, but I watch it to appease her).
Nov 28, 2013 by Candle
Now, since I haven't actually talked to you in a while, how are you? I read the post before this one. I'm glad you're deciding to pursue your ambitions and that you are... um, alive. That didn't sound very pleasant at all.
Nov 28, 2013 by Candle
Hey PX :D

There would probably be more on my wall if I didn't respond by posting on the person's wall (look what I did to ShinySuicune's wall xD), but yeah. I'm not on chat often so nobody knows me that well :3
Nov 24, 2013 by Fizz
Pfft Quantam Physics trumps normal physics.
And Dialga + Palkia are mine so I can break time and space laws whenever I want >.>
Nov 24, 2013 by Sempi
Lol, first time I log on in days and I see your wonderful post on my wall xD
Okay, I promise I will try to be more active :0 Okay?
Nov 23, 2013 by Candle
Ah, OK :)
Nov 23, 2013 by Muguet
Oh KoD, I didn't see you there with your alt with KoD in it and colour that makes ny eyes melt
PFFT. The colour didn't make it melt. It was me throwing acid into your eyes k? :3
Nov 23, 2013 by Sempi
Just because my name finish in -mon doesn't mean I am a Pokémon ;)
But I wanted to get Arcanine  +  Pokémon  +  "R" being my favorite letter. and I got:
Arcarmon. Gonna change it when possible, though.
Nov 22, 2013 by Muguet
Just because I call myself Mr doesn't mean I am one :3
Just because you call yourself Professor doesn't mean you are one.

But essentially you figured out the hitch in my otherwise brilliant puzzle. As for quotes by you, well jeez, guess I better work on getting some no?
Nov 22, 2013 by MrKijani

I have a question: Will you ever change your name, or is it Professor Xerilia forever ?
I hope you stay Xerilia. Let's see why:

Last Chance Breaker! is not so smart ...
Breaking Point sounded as you will die ...
Birth by Sleep is original, but too much original. Stay simple, sometimes.

and I cannot remember if you had other names. But it is your choice, though ;)
Nov 22, 2013 by Muguet