Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for PX (page 72)

Hey there! :)

What are some of your favorite anime? I'm currently trying to find some new ones since the Naruto manga is done; are there any in particular that stand out?

Sorry if being too forward XD this is just me!
Mar 21, 2015 by Sophisticles
Hold up...HOLD THE FREAKIN UP.....Gengar is one of your favorite pokemon? *Hi fiv*
Mar 20, 2015 by gengarchomp

Gonna use this to help learn coding, getting an mc server could be fun, whether or not it's actually used.
Mar 17, 2015 by PX
Hi :P
Mar 8, 2015 by Silverdragon :D
Okay so Dragon Ball Z: Repetitive, generic, cliche. But also epic, quite funny and strangely addictive. I'm not watching the whole thing, got no time for that, so I'll just be watching  the bulk of each Saga, missing out episodes that don't interest me, considering the story telling is done mostly throughout the course of the story rather than just in a few episodes. Hopefully gonna finish the Freiza saga today.
Mar 8, 2015 by PX
FNAF3 ;~;
Mar 4, 2015 by PX
I hid the suggestion. I didn't know you had something like it.
Although I'm glad everyone was so nice about it, usually these types of suggestions get a couple downvotes.
Feb 22, 2015 by Victini Victory
Daneun: Party!
Feb 16, 2015 by Keromatsu
I've been busy...
Feb 13, 2015 by Victini Victory
Seems I'm fairly active now. Yeah :3.
Feb 12, 2015 by PX