Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Mosmic Dragoon (page 16)

Decided to ladder in 1v1 ; got up to 1400 :)
Jan 2, 2016 by MechSteelix
Ok den, jack? John? David? o3o
Jan 1, 2016 by Meowstic
Real nmame pweeeeease
Jan 1, 2016 by Meowstic
Jan 1, 2016 by Pikarilla
in case you forgot
Dec 31, 2015 by Lady Sylbreon 151.1
This is the best I could do:
Dec 30, 2015 by Infernal♕Crown(twig)
You're gonna have to give me some time.

You see, the problem is that whenever I past an image, it'll have a black background. Since both Koga and Mega Beedrill use a lot of black in their sprites, when I try to erase the background it erases the black in the original sprites as well.

Hope it makes sense, trying to find a solution atm
Dec 30, 2015 by Infernal♕Crown(twig)
Find me a good link for both of them and I'll post the finished product on your wall.
Btw might want to get your server registered, you're not on the server list.
Jasmine or some other admin should get back to you relatively quickly
Dec 30, 2015 by Infernal♕Crown(twig)
Nothing, just DWEGOONZ
Dec 30, 2015 by Lady Sylbreon 151.1
Sure bro, anything for a friend :)
Btw your server's down lol
Dec 29, 2015 by Infernal♕Crown(twig)