Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for MonkeyBusiness (page 20)

A Glock shoe
Mar 17, 2023 by Vibrant Vaporeon
I figured, but it still was an answer. Just wanted to make sure you knew
Mar 17, 2023 by ~Silver~
Well, not right now, but once, like many other users, I had an answer to the best answer ratio of 1:1, a whopping 100%. That continued to 4:5 (80%), and I once had 15:20 (75%). So, many people with fewer answers will have higher best-answer-to-answer ratios. Statistics is a very very misleading science.....
Feb 27, 2023 by Talos
I'm pretty sure I have the highest answer to best answer ratio of any user on this site

This statement is objectively wrong. Even I've your answer to best answer ratio (0.71) at least twice
Feb 24, 2023 by Talos
If you do 6969 backwards that's how many points I have
Feb 24, 2023 by MonkeyBusiness
I do know that, but honestly, I thought that my comment would get no reply. Rocketfox had been inactive since that whole incident. He clearly has no inkling of what sarcasm is, but well, can't do anything. But he does have guts, that's for sure. (Also no brain, but that's another matter)
Feb 23, 2023 by Talos
It’s always been like that. A week for clarification, two days to hide a post.
Feb 19, 2023 by ~Silver~
Most of my actions are deliberate and calculated.
Feb 19, 2023 by Hellfire Taco
Thanks, I will :)
Feb 10, 2023 by Fizz