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Wall for MonkeyBusiness (page 8)

In case you couldn't tell I meant the Giratina lmao.

I'm still hunting Darkrai.
Nov 28, 2023 by Mr. Fish
So um I just started the hunt last night lmao.
New quickest hunt.
Nov 28, 2023 by Mr. Fish
Hehe I did the Void Glitch and I'm at Darkrai. Gonna be on/off hunting this, rotating between it and Latias.
Nov 27, 2023 by Mr. Fish
Question: I’m hosting the next tournament. Would you rather me do it soon or in January?
Nov 26, 2023 by Anchor9
Also, do you have Sword?
Nov 24, 2023 by Mr. Fish
Oh yeah, the Regice. I don't know, Regieleki and drago, Groudon, Rayquaza, Kyogre and Latios, my switch reset hunts don't seem to be that bad, with the longest being Latios. Maybe I'll have a stupid long hunt in Brilliant Diamond soon.

My quickest hunt? I have no clue. Without boosts, Groudon was a quick hunt. In terms of resets, probably Terrakion, Reshiram, or Heatran. My brother has charm in Ultra Sun, so it took me longer to prepare for my Blacephalon hunt than it took to actually get it. Same game, I got a second encounter Natu while looking for Stufful, and a shiny Stufful the next day on the first encounter. Or maybe I had a quick Dex Nav hunt that I forgot...

What game did you get the Hoppip in?
Nov 24, 2023 by Mr. Fish
I have no idea. Counting phases, probably Bronzor. I know Azelf took a stupid long time to shine. It took me a while to get a shiny Ratatta in HeartGold. My first phase for Steelix took a long time too.

Or maybe it's THIS DAMN LATIAS!!!

Why? What's your longest?
Nov 24, 2023 by Mr. Fish
Nov 23, 2023 by Mr. Fish
Oh please 60 hours? That's nothing?
Nov 23, 2023 by Mr. Fish
Good luck on your hunt! I might do that hunt too when I get Latias and stuff.
Nov 23, 2023 by Mr. Fish