Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Mewderator (page 23)

Hey Mew, I'm torn on what to do to the Team, so why not do another? I want to build a Team around Speed Boost Scolipede, who I think will be Upper Tier Material this Generation. What do you think?
Oct 26, 2013 by Enoch.EXE
Oct 22, 2013 by FenaFox
Can't touch this-doo do do do- do do- do do (That was terrible.)
Oct 21, 2013 by HelloBloon
Oct 19, 2013 by MutantEnderman355
I know what you wanna talk about. Me copying and pasting anwsers from different sites :(
I'm sorry. I'm just not good at explaining questions. That's why I copy and paste.  Again I'm sorry and I won't do it again.
I just wanted some points so I could be like you and Hex and all the other mods and editors :(
Oct 17, 2013 by RedtheLEGEND
I'm sorry
Oct 17, 2013 by RedtheLEGEND
Stop, Ban Hammer Time!
Oct 15, 2013 by ZigzagoonLinoone
Can I make a Pokemon X and Y Rate My In Game Team Megathread?
Oct 14, 2013 by Enoch.EXE

First time using the team, he DC'd but I would've just sacked Rotom and then spammed CC on him so, yeah I really like it.
Oct 1, 2013 by MrKijani
I think you should do an Adventure Time spoof called Hammer Time. You could even spoof the Adventure Time intro, it could go something like this:

Hammer Time
Come on, get your bans
Banished to very
Distant lands
Random troll and Mewderator
The bans will never end,
It's Hammer Time
Sep 26, 2013 by Poke'slash