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Wall for KitkatKK2 (page 13)
Oops! Pop i assimed he had pight skin because he lived underground mostly well kinda...
I like young Casey! And
Yay i know how they meet XD. I think i’ll do a pittle of it now it wasn’t an official Idea but now i like yhe plot so far i’ll probably do a couple entries of meeting Aurika then we’ll meet Casey somewhere right off we’ll learn that Guzmanis in process of reforming. I think Kukui will be disbelieving of Guzma’s intentions But not against them after all they were kinda friends as kids/teens Hau and Lillie and Gladion will there too. At some point
Sep 18, 2021
Dyla N
I like it! I’d just a upsated bio (new age etc) i don’t think i ever made one for Airika so i’ll do it now...
Airika Catstairs
Age: 10-12 (not sure leaning toeatds 12)
Appearanc: very datk skin, yellow eyes (contacts her natural color is brown) black hair worn in two braided tails one hangs off each shoulder (imagine the braided tails hair style)she wears pink, red, orange and yellow sometimes black. She’s endee average height.
Personality: she’s friendly and chatters a lot, she’s easy to pike even though she doesn’t think she’s anything special. She is supportive of people who wish to change pacifically she is supportive of Guzma who is trying to be a better person. It’s hard to tell what kind of relationship they have if it’s like a seven relationship or friendly one. She isn’t one to shy away from danger and she’s self- sacrificing, staying in the midst of danger whileb Friends get to safety.
Team:!her team is usually just Decidoueye, her first ever partner and a Peavanny who was abandoned by its previous trainer. When she starts getting shinnies she trains them more or less 1 on 1. All her pokemon except Drcidoueye and Leavanny have nicknames.
Extras: when Airika loves someone but as a friend or sibling she does so with all her being and is deeply affected if they are hurt or turn out to betray her. She’ll never forgive someone who betrays her and she’lk go to extremes to heal her pokemon in her own she rarely goes to a pokemon center instead preferring to deal with berries and surprise she carries on her own.
Sep 18, 2021
Dyla N
I was thinkinA it’d be a different version of Airika but i actually like the idea of a prequel would Casey be in it? Maybe that’s when they meet unprsd we’ve alteady said how they met... heres a pittle story idea for it maybe
Pets say yhis takes place...2-4 years before SR. I’m thinking Airika has just gotten her Shiny charm and is pumped. She immediately starts shiny hunting but soon finds out Team Skull isn’t totally disbanded in fact therrs two Team Skulls (like black Plasma white plsma not sure what the real names are) one Is called Skull Neo, lead by Plumaria the other is Skull Beta , lead by a reformed Guzma. Beta is trying to keep the peAce, which is hard considering the early years history. Bsta ets are also trying to be better people. Neo however is worse than the original team skull and they’re causing havoc that Beta is getting blamed for.
Anyway Airika actually witnesses Neo causing a issue . She knows its Neo so she goes to the defense of Beta. While all this is happening she’s also trying to acquire shinnies and yrain yhem so she can be ready to help Beta when Neo declares “civil war” on them.
So the shiny part is subplot vut Airika would be keeping the STJ so people know that Beta is good AND so she can keep a tecord of her shiny tracking experiences.
I guess for a tomepine this is after USUM and the sun moon anmie but before SR.
Sep 18, 2021
Dyla N
Hi hi! I did 7 its Kayla’s POV but has yhe same things in it and would’ve had F it were Hy’s.
While i was working on it i had an idea i wanna share mind you it’s beneficial and may not happen but it sounds interesting
Do you know how I do the shiny tracker journal? No I was wondering… What if I turned that into a Pokémon fanfiction of course Airika would be the one telling the story as it would be her journal I just have plenty of room for other characters I don’t even know what the story would be necessarily but it would involve wormholes what do you think?
Sep 18, 2021
Dyla N
Totally! I find epic that one of the people i’m closest to shares a b-day imagine if it was the same year that would be almost scary LOL.
Oh i was gonna do ch 7 today but bandit never wrote back about how he envisioned It i normally don’t write on weekends (welp wasn’t planning it anyway) but if he doesn’t Reply by tommrrow afternoon i’ll do 7 and give Shatter POV yhen Hy woll get ch 8 don’t worry Kayla gets POV AGAIN SOON...
Actually lemme fix that... kayla will probably get 7 where she determines that she won’t talk to you Hy I imagine her being more absent then shatter seemed wdyt? Then either Shatter or Hy gets 8 and her doesn’t get eight week at nine Then, depending on where things are it will go back to Mae or someone who hasn’t had a pov yet
Sep 17, 2021
Dyla N
Yes that’s my real birthday XD wow that’s awesomd!
Sep 17, 2021
Dyla N
I just dug into my wall for the Aven stuff. If I’m being honest its... overwhelming what about all those teams and all the information on them and everything there’s no way for me to just copy and paste it onto my computer and be over and done with it at the same time I hate to let people down especially with all the work that went into it so I don’t know what’s going to happen to it if I wrote it now or even in like a week or two I would be messing everything up because I want remember half of the information (Sighs seeply) i don’t know what to do I don’t want to let everyone down...
How is it that you don’t hate me for starting fics ans rarely seeinv the end product? I’d hate me
Sep 16, 2021
Dyla N
Chapter 5 is up...
Sep 16, 2021
Dyla N
O PUG in my fresher ideas that take over i wasn’t planning on killing aven it’s going to take a long time to get those characters back to the front so they say That’s if I didn’t accidentally delete them...
Sep 16, 2021
Dyla N
Oh it’s not dead just got put on the back burner. The realistic fic kinda took over and then i’m reading classic which is giving me an idea for a ficwho’s charactrrs are descended from said classics chatacters
Sep 16, 2021
Dyla N
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