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Wall for KitkatKK2 (page 8)

J.C. Blackthorne
20 hours ago
Cory x Evie > Justin x Evie

I'd love to hear your thought process on that.
Nov 16, 2021 by Gau
Mason's parents

Name: David West
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Raw Power: Ice
Pure Power: Courage
Ultimate power: Icecourage
Appearance: slender, 6'2", blond curly hair, blue eyes, warm tan skin
Personality: David is kind and gentle, and uses his Courage power to lift others up, mostly figuratively. He holds his friends close and his enemies closer. At least, he would, if he could make an enemy of anyone! He puts his son before anything in his life, followed by his husband. Mason calls him Father.

Lennan West
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Raw Power: Water
Pure Power: Imagine
Ultimate Power: Waterimagine
Appearance: Cropped black hair, brown eyes. Muscular build, 6'7", dark brown skin.
Personality: A lot more reserved than his husband, Lennan was originally against adopting a child because he thought it would interfere with his career as a firefighter, but when he and David did come to an agreement after a while, Lennan became close to Mason instantly.
Nov 14, 2021 by KitkatKK2
I really didn't know what to add to these two. Sad.

Name: Mark Finnegan
Gender: Male
Age: 48
Pure power: Faith
Raw power: Fire
Ultimate power: Firefaith
Appearance: Short blond hair, brown eyes. Light skinned, tall, slightly muscular.
Personality: He's usually polite and respectful, but not afraid to speak his mind. He's also a hard worker who doesn't complain and can endure hardships very well. When he's not working, he's rather relaxed and carefree, and he loves bonding with Justin. He taught his son pretty much everything he knows, and Justin looks up to him for that. He's very protective of his family, and if they were in danger, he would do whatever he could to keep them safe.

Name: Anna Finnegan
Gender: Female
Age: 44
Pure power: Hope
Raw power: Water
Ultimate power: Hopewater
Appearance: Long reddish hair, blue eyes. Light skinned, slender.
Personality: She has a kind, gentle disposition, though she can get slightly annoyed with Evie's mother, Stella, sometimes. She fusses over her son a bit sometimes, but tries not to worry about him too much, as he can easily take care of himself. She's a rather skilled cook, but she never pursued a career in cooking and simply likes to be with her family. She likes Evie quite a bit, and treats her with about as much hospitality as she would her own child. Of course, she believes that Justin and Evie would be a cute couple, but she usually doesn't remark about it because she's sure it would embarrass them.
Nov 14, 2021 by Gau
Sweet! I want a pic of her do you still want me to do Ditto? And um ehat are you naming it? XD
Nov 14, 2021 by Dyla N
lets be friends!
Nov 14, 2021 by Chaos481
"Basically, Evie and Justin decide to have a little practice with their powers. In short, a fight. Using their Raw Powers. Evie's a little hesitant, as Justin is obviously more powerful than her in every way, but accepts his offer. Of course, Justin doesn't intend to hurt her badly, but he's also rather competitive and doesn't hold back. Of course, Evie ends up a little scorched, and she stumbles a bit. Justin, with his amazing reflexes, catches her, and she blushes slightly because... he's Justin. And she likes Justin. But doesn't know it yet. Anyway, he's slightly concerned, but Evie's fine, just a little unsteady. But guess what makes her feel worse? Her mom, Stella. She had been following her daughter, and neither of them noticed it because she's surprisingly stealthy. So she comes out of nowhere, and she's ticked. She accuses Justin of attacking her daughter, and Evie, who is rather panicked, tells her that it's not what happened. Yes, her mom was watching the whole thing, but she hates Justin, so she'd accuse him of anything. Justin is slightly alarmed, but he knows about Stella's dramatics, so it's not a huge deal to him. He agrees with Evie, saying that he didn't attack her, and that it was just practice. But of course, Stella doesn't care and drags them both to Justin's house so that she can complain to his parents (who are still being made because I'm lazy). Stella, in her infinite fit-throwing, tells them that Justin was attacking her daughter. Both Evie and Justin explain the situation, and Justin's parents believe them because both sides say it was fine.

As for the rest, I'm not sure. Maybe Stella could use her Believe powers to make everyone agree with her temporarily. Evie would be rather ticked at her mom when she realized that (after it wore off of course)."
Nov 14, 2021 by Gau
Omg did you realize we’ll be birthday hunting in about a werk? I’m excited and nervous

Was curious which poke you picked to breed?
Nov 13, 2021 by Dyla N
Chapter 13 is done I had to trim it down a bit so it has kind of an abrupt ending you can add to it if you think you need to but I think it’s good.
Nov 13, 2021 by Dyla N
Yaay! I’ll do 13 later tonight hehehe DRAMA TIME!  Well more like Stella drama time
Nov 13, 2021 by Dyla N
Herrs Sam!

Samuel “Sam” Sol
Age; 16
Gender; male
Raw power; Earth
Oure power: Peace
UltimatePower: Earthpeace

Appearence: he has the sam copper-brown hair as Astrid but his eyes are hazely-green. Hes tall and very slender and pooks sort of nerdy but in a cute way.

Personality: he’s kind and generally well peaceful. He and Astrid are very close nit only is she his sister but the two are also best friends notwithstanding Jas’s friendship with Astrid,  Sam isn’t very strong but he’s a good teacher and can hsually take a a couple hits  byt only if the person is his equal in power.

Outfut: tan jeans, a ponv-sleeved green tee and a dark brown swearer-vest he wears fashipnnaboe boots that Astrid made him get.
Nov 12, 2021 by Dyla N