Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Kameko (page 2)

Kyron, you're doing breeding for Sumo right? Any chance you can breed me a Jolly Beldum and a Timid Riolu? IVs don't have to be good since I have dozens of bottle caps, but if they are good then that would save me some time leveling up to 100.
Dec 2, 2016 by trachy
Don't hide my stuff again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dec 1, 2016 by Primal Kyogre
Love your Grav!!
Sep 29, 2016 by Mega-Roserade
kameko more like chimecho got em
Aug 29, 2016 by Pahff
Saw your response on my page. Totally understand, but in the future, could you comment on the question before you hide it (I should be able to see it still) that way there is no confusion as to why, thanks.
Aug 28, 2016 by hyper beam
I started Pearl. Battle that Starly at the start. It's a goddamn ******* shiny Starly, and I can't catch it. So pissed now, won't be starting Pearl for like a week so I can forget this crap happened.
Aug 22, 2016 by trachy
was just wondering why my 'Monopoly' question was hidden, I've seen some pretty crazy questions that were deemed appropriate, so thought it was valid
Aug 7, 2016 by hyper beam
If I'm supposed to find you on Showdown!, what's your main Showdown! account?
Aug 3, 2016 by sumwun
I've asked a lot of questions that got answers that weren't satisfactory, and they got removed from the unanswered list. I thought that maybe I could get an active moderator like you to go into the "no selected answer" list and select one answer for each question with an answer that's older than 1 month and has at least 0 votes. That way, by down-voting bad answers, questions can appear on the "no selected answer" list and people who can give satisfactory answers will notice the unresolved questions. Please help if you have time. Thanks.
Jul 29, 2016 by sumwun