Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for KRLW890 (page 25)

I was bored and totally had the time to make my own spreadsheet. :P

I will update when I get home, everything on this spreadsheet is for memory. I like the idea, though. I probably should've made one ages ago :P

Here's the link:
Oct 30, 2018 by Staka~

I'm in no rush: I'd rather finish Crystal first anyways :P
Oct 29, 2018 by Staka~
Does the 0's mean you have eggs you haven't hatched or...

Also, I have some Iron Fist Chimchar (Poke Ball, but I can breed any) with Power-Up Punch, Thunder Punch, and Fire Punch as egg moves, an Unaware Pyukumuku (Timer Ball, but I can Breed any), a Skill Link Minchinno (Great Ball, but I can breed any), a Flash Fire Typholsion (Level Ball), Inner Focus Darumaka (Ultra Ball), Slush Rush Alolan Sandshrew (Heavy Ball), and No Gaurd Golett (Poke Ball), as well as a ton from Crystal once I finish it. I also have quite a few shinies, if your interested (I have 4 Freaking Audinos) :P

I am interested in some, but I don't really need natures or IVs, I can breed for those; I only need the HAs (and maybe an Egg move or 2).

I am kind of want in a Chlorophyll Bulbasaur, a Drought/Snow Warning Vulpix, a Swift Swim Poliwag, a Regenerator Slowpoke, Unburden Treeko, Speed Boost Torchic, Rough Skin Gible, Contrary Snivy, Infiltrator Litwick, and Protean Froakie. :P
Oct 29, 2018 by Staka~
I just need to trrain, lugia, mimkyu, and tyranitar
Oct 29, 2018 by stall_fest
I wil lfinsh my compettive team and then continue to hunt
Oct 29, 2018 by stall_fest
oh well :(
Oct 29, 2018 by stall_fest
I broke my chain
Oct 29, 2018 by stall_fest
Oct 29, 2018 by stall_fest
Thx.I am eevee shiny hunting rn while wathcina movie :)
Oct 29, 2018 by stall_fest

Could ya give me movesets for the pkmn you use?

Oct 29, 2018 by stall_fest