Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Gau (page 4)

I don’t even know what I was referring tool
Jan 6, 2024 by Dyla N
Henlo, how goes the OC's?
Jan 6, 2024 by SmolGlaceon
So then they beat the other non-binary or gender fluid. I mean a couple gender fluid characters in the past. I think occasionally a couple non-binary ones. But I keep forgetting to refer to them non-binary ones as they them so they end up getting cold she or he whether I like it or not in their bios so it keeps switching between the two which I guess technically you can do. You could just say like they go by they she, or they. But that’s not what I was trying to do or trying to make them strictly non-binary and I failed lol.

I’ve actually started working on a new story idea. Hopefully this one gets off the ground a bit better than some of my past ones. I mean I’m even gone and named the world.destoria, my IRL friend, actually named one of the villages from one of her charactersFanery, i’m going to Tye sure that so she spells it or not but anyway, the main ideas that you have average people like you and me I guess then you have”Fatd” or “ destined” people who are killing a destiny of birth, either to be a villain or hero and when they’re born, they’re also given a guide to make sure they stay on the path that they were, of course it’s not. Everybody likes that when my friends character. The characters name is.Una, was faded to be a villain tried doing her deeds, but no matter what she did they always backfired on her she always somehow messed up. Her people just got mad at her like I guess an example was that Uma pushed her man out of the way of something, but in the process he broke his leg, and although he would’ve died, and she not intervened, the villagers, still considered her evil, and said that she did it on purpose to hurt him or something like that anyway and my main character Harper, was also faded to be a villain, and she also resisted as a kid, but after she been kidnapped and basically treated like a slave she decided to give him to her Destiny is a villain alsoIna also, apparently became a vain I mean she was always meant to be a villain, but she decided to just go along with it and apparentlyIma has an older brother that’s going to become part of the story as well, but he was faded to be a hero and no not all females valance and not all males are heroes. It’s just coincidentally what my friend and I have done so far. arbitrary fun fact. I was guide is an orange, cat and mango. And yes they’re all animals., guys, I mean not the
Jan 6, 2024 by Dyla N
I'm sorry for not seeing your post.  Does now work?
Jan 5, 2024 by J™
Ok lol.  Would anytime this morning work?
Jan 5, 2024 by J™
I'm GMT -5.  What times work for you?
Jan 4, 2024 by J™
Round 2 Part 2 live.
Jan 4, 2024 by Anchor9
I’m on my lunch break. Ready when you are
Jan 3, 2024 by Anchor9
Ok. New idea. You select the time and I’ll tell you if it works. I have two tiny windows of time called wake up and lunch break, then a huge window of time called after work, but apparently you sleep at 3 P.M. your time.
Jan 3, 2024 by Anchor9
Mhm, caught a friend of mine doing that on a school computer.
Jan 3, 2024 by SmolGlaceon