Yeah he is totally not alive but in a coma and I am totally not pretending he’s dead because I hate gladion. Totally
Jul 8, 2020
Glazio Kawaii
seconds ago
Frock Blussey.
Jul 7, 2020
Jul 7, 2020
Syl ™
Spamming in the chat
Annoying ht
Got banned many times
Swearing all day
Has 50+ Accounts
Making Us All mad
What fun is it to troll people
When you just get re-banned
Oh, Josh Kool, Josh Kool
Spamming Chat all day
ASCII Rifles aren't funny
And you are not either
Josh Fool, Josh Fool
Fool not Kool all day
Oh, what fun it is to write
about all of your blunders
Jul 7, 2020
Josh Kool
What a Fool
Thinks this site is a tool
Josh Kool
What a Fool
Wants to troll but thats not cool
Josh Kool
Very Cruel
Does not follow the darn rules
Josh Kool
What a Fool
Cannpt breath in a Pool
Jul 7, 2020
For some reason, Pokemon Advanced is SO nostalgic. The hoenn anime is my fav, along with s/m and possibly Journeys tho we dont have many english episodes yet.
Jul 5, 2020
Just had a look at your profile and saw that you like "hacked" Pokemon, figured I might as well add my perspective as someone who is personally against it..
Not long after I first got into the Pokemon games (Ruby and Black were my first, in 2012) I discovered a tool for Black/White that allowed you to create any Pokemon you wanted, you could even customize the moves and stats to be as illegitimate as you wanted (like giving magikarp hyper beam, or teaching a pokemon the same move 4 times).
I used it quite a bit for fun and the game let me use the 'mons online perfectly fine. Eventually I got bored of it and stopped doing it.
For you, you probably just enjoy getting legal Pokemon that were hacked into the games. Just a normal Pokemon that was acquired in a questionable way. You can play the game however you want, of course, but there's something to be said about the satisfaction from obtaining all of your Pokemon legitimately.
Event Pokemon are the best examples of this. Especially back in the days of Gens 1-4, but still somewhat relevant, you had to physically go to a store or event to grab a special legendary pokemon. If you hack the Pokemon into the game, it simply doesn't compare to the real thing. One was received via a unique event in real life, the other just magically appeared because you felt like it. Even trading for an event Pokemon is far more magical if it's legit. That would mean that somehow, some way, you got a real event Pokemon from someone who went to that event. That special feeling is gone if the Pokemon is hacked or cloned.
Unfortunately the real life events aren't very special anymore. But imagine trading for a hacked Celebi, a Pokemon that is totally fake. And then imagine trading for a real Celebi from an event in 2001. Suddenly the Pokemon matters so much more, doesn't it?
That's why many people don't like hacking Pokemon. It devalues them and makes each Pokemon feel worthless. Hopefully you understand a bit more now!
Oh by the way, I've never talked to you before. I'm hoping to be more active on the site and want to get to know the newer users.
P.S. Gladion and Lillie are my favorite characters as well! ^~^
Jul 4, 2020
Your Excellency