Black was ___ The Imposter
(_ Imposters remain)
Yeah, I ejected my Poocheyana. What is it with me and my Poocheyanas not even making it to the second gym XD. So stupid. Anyway, was the random number generator right?
Apr 27, 2021
Argh!!! My book just ended and it was a terrible ending! They just killed a 15 year okd gurl via her getting stabbed by a brpken sword in the heart. I mean c’mon she was a good-guy too and she had a twon brother theres another book in the series but still!
Apr 27, 2021
Dyla N
Yeah they are i’m nit a Gardner mostly i’m just too impatient and well i can’t see em unless they’re practically Up my nose and i’m not risking a bee up my nose, XD
Apr 27, 2021
Dyla N
Just put a new quote on my file i fond it awesome
Apr 27, 2021
Dyla N
Wait what? XD You can tell me when you are online then I can ask.
Apr 26, 2021
HEY! You wanted to hear the team and rules to my Nuzlockés, so here you go!
Pokémon Starlocké Team:
NrsDedInside (Chansey) @ Oran Berry
Ability: Serene Grace
Level: 6
Sassy Nature
- Minimize
- Pound
- Copycat
- Defense Curl
Sycamore (Treecko) (M)
Ability: Unburden
Level: 10
Lax Nature
- Quick Attack
- Leer
- Mega Drain
- Swift
Flameow (Litten) (M) @ Oran Berry
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 10
Naive Nature
- Scratch
- Growl
- Ember
- Lick
Swirlywhirly (Poliwag) (F) @ Oran Berry
Ability: Damp
Level: 5
Impish Nature
- Water Gun
- Hypnosis
Pancake (Togedemaru) (F) @ Oran Berry
Ability: Iron Barbs
Level: 5
Bold Nature
- Nuzzle
- Tackle
- Swift
- Defense Curl
Volker (Grubbin) (F)
Ability: Swarm
Level: 3
Careful Nature
- Vise Grip
- Mud-Slap
Cumulonimbus (Swablu) (F)
Ability: Natural Cure
Level: 1
Impish Nature
- Peck
- Growl
Punchin’ (Torchic) (M)
Ability: Blaze
Level: 5
Quiet Nature
- Scratch
- Growl
- Ember
Lord Weeze (Koffing) (F)
Ability: Levitate
Level: 5
Timid Nature
- Poison Gas
- Tackle
- Smog
Earthquake (Mudkip) (M)
Ability: Damp
Level: 10
Impish Nature
- Tackle
- Growl
- Water Gun
- Rock Throw
Spectrier (Ponyta-Galar) (F)
Ability: Pastel Veil
Level: 3
Quirky Nature
- Tackle
- Growl
Boulder (Rockruff) (M)
Ability: Vital Spirit
Level: 9
Quiet Nature
- Tackle
- Leer
- Sand Attack
- Double Team
Trunky Ghost (Phantump) (M)
Ability: Natural Cure
Level: 10
Gentle Nature
- Astonish
- Tackle
- Branch Poke
- Leech Seed
Marnie (Zigzagoon-Galar) (F)
Ability: Pickup
Level: 5
Jolly Nature
- Tackle
- Leer
- Payback
- Sand Attack
Ear Muffs (Eevee) (M)
Ability: Run Away
Level: 5
Rash Nature
- Swift
- Sand Attack
- Growl
- Tail Whip
Cynthia (Gible) (M)
Ability: Sand Veil
Level: 1
Hardy Nature
- Sand Tomb
- Tackle
Iron-Will (Beldum)
Ability: Clear Body
Level: 5
Quirky Nature
- Tackle
Winter (Vulpix-Alola) (F)
Ability: Snow Warning
Level: 15
Timid Nature
- Powder Snow
- Tail Whip
- Disable
- Ice Shard
Pokémon Hardcore Among Us Challenge Team: Cyan (Mudkip) (F) @ Oran Berry
Ability: Torrent
Level: 14
Timid Nature
- Echoed Voice
- Growl
- Water Gun
- Mud-Slap
Brown (Zigzagoon) (F) @ Oran Berry
Ability: Gluttony
Level: 13
Calm Nature
- Headbutt
- Baby-Doll Eyes
- Tail Whip
- Sand Attack
Black (Poochyena) (F)
Ability: Quick Feet
Level: 12
Jolly Nature
- Tackle
- Howl
- Sand Attack
- Bite
White (Ralts) (M) @ Oran Berry
Ability: Synchronize
Level: 12
Gentle Nature
- Disarming Voice
- Confusion
- Double Team
- Echoed Voice
Green (Nuzleaf) (M) @ Oran Berry
Ability: Chlorophyll
Level: 14
Docile Nature
- Bide
- Harden
- Growth
- Razor Leaf
Orange (Wingull) (F) @ Oran Berry
Ability: Keen Eye
Level: 8
Rash Nature
- Growl
- Water Gun
- Supersonic
- Wing Attack
Azurill (F) @ Pecha Berry
Ability: Huge Power
Level: 10
Relaxed Nature
- Bubble
- Water Gun
- Tail Whip
- Charm
Pink (Taillow) (F) @ Pecha Berry
Ability: Guts
Level: 14
Careful Nature
- Wing Attack
- Growl
- Focus Energy
- Quick Attack
Yellow (Nincada) (F) @ Cheri Berry
Ability: Compound Eyes
Level: 6
Naive Nature
- Scratch
- Harden
- Leech Life
Oh yeah, I caught a Whismur! So now you can pick from that and the Pokémon above as imposters!
Pokémon Hardcore Namelocké Team: Ronald (Fennekin) (F)
Ability: Blaze
Level: 8
- Scratch
- Tail Whip
- Ember
Dumbledore (Pidgey) (M)
Ability: Keen Eye
Level: 8
Naive Nature
- Tackle
- Sand Attack
George (Panpour) (M)
Ability: Gluttony
Level: 6
Jolly Nature
- Scratch
- Play Nice
- Leer
Zombielocké Rules: Zombielocke: is a rule-based variant inspired by the zombie genre. It is created by RealHipHopManiac.
The Rules
In a Zombielocke normal Nuzlocke rules are applied but with minor twists.
• You must catch or obtain only the first eligible obtainable Pokémon you encounter in any route or area. Fail to catch it and you get nothing for the area.
• Dupes Clause is recommended, to add to the uniqueness of each Pokémon. This means you do not count any encounter against any Pokémon whose species you have already caught, which is usually determined by the Poké Ball symbol by their HP bar.
1) When a pokemon faints, a revive/max revive can be used to turn the fainted pokemon into a "Zombiemon"
• A Zombiemon is a fainted pokemon that if gets KO'ed again, dies for good.
• A Zombiemon cannot be healed by normal procedures, other healthy pokemon must be "sacrificed" to the respective Zombiemon in order fully heal it.
2)When a healthy pokemon is "sacrificed", it is considered dead and has to be released or boxed permanently.
• Ghost types cannot become Zombiemons.
• Zombiemons cannot have recovery moves.
• Zombiemons cannot be boxed unless it's dead. (Like, dead dead)
• Zombiemons cannot hold items.
• Zombiemons' abilities shall be changed to either Poison Point or Poison Touch by cheats or other means if possible. (Optional)
Zombielocké Team: Austin (Squirtle)
Ability: None
Level: 6
- Tackle
- Tail Whip
John (Pidgey)
Ability: None
Level: 4
- Gust
Maxim (Spearow)
Ability: None
Level: 5
- Peck
- Growl
Meorope (Rattata)
Ability: None
Level: 2
- Tackle
- Tail Whip
Mary (Weedle)
Ability: None
Level: 6
- Poison Sting
- String Shot
Apr 26, 2021
Emerald Hardcore Nuzlocké Team: Kicken’ (Combusken) (M) @ Cheri Berry
Ability: Blaze
Level: 28
Rash Nature
- Cut
- Bulk Up
- Ember
- Double Kick
Eclipse (Kirlia) (M) @ Black Glasses
Ability: Trace
Level: 27
Docile Nature
- Flash
- Psychic
- Thief
- Calm Mind
Hamburger (Pelipper) (F) @ Cheri Berry
Ability: Keen Eye
Level: 28
Quirky Nature
- Protect
- Water Gun
- Supersonic
- Shock Wave
Spherical (Azumarill) (F) @ Oran Berry
Ability: Thick Fat
Level: 28
Bashful Nature
- Rollout
- Defense Curl
- Bubble Beam
- Tail Whip
Aron (F) @ Oran Berry
Ability: Rock Head
Level: 28
Quirky Nature
- Metal Claw
- Rock Smash
- Iron Defense
- Secret Power
Gloom (F) @ Miracle Seed
Ability: Chlorophyll
Level: 27
Serious Nature
- Bullet Seed
- Stun Spore
- Acid
- Sleep Powder
Pokémon Let’s Go Eevee Hardcore Team Rocket Nuzlocké: Ariana (Raticate) (F)
Ability: Run Away
Level: 29
Happiness: 70
Adamant Nature
- Hyper Fang
- Crunch
- Super Fang
- Focus Energy
Jessie (Arbok) (F)
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 28
Happiness: 70
Rash Nature
- Headbutt
- Crunch
- Leer
- Poison Jab
Silver (Golbat) (M)
Ability: Inner Focus
Level: 28
Happiness: 70
Quiet Nature
- Confuse Ray
- Headbutt
- Wing Attack
- Crunch
Giovanni (Persian) (F)
Ability: Limber
Level: 29
Happiness: 70
- Growl
- Bite
- Fake Out
- Slash
Ken (Hypno) (M)
Ability: Insomnia
Level: 28
Happiness: 70
Naive Nature
- Psybeam
- Confusion
- Poison Gas
- Headbutt
Pokémon Oak Challenge Pokémon:
Prof. Oak (Pikachu-Starter) (F)
Ability: Static
Level: 22
Happiness: 70
Impish Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Light Screen
- Thunder Wave
- Quick Attack
Prof. Birch (Raticate) (M)
Ability: Run Away
Level: 24
Happiness: 70
Hardy Nature
- Crunch
- Super Fang
- Hyper Fang
- Sucker Punch
Prof. Rowan (Gloom) (F)
Ability: Chlorophyll
Level: 35
Happiness: 70
Rash Nature
- Mega Drain
- Stun Spore
- Acid
- Sleep Powder
Prof.Juniper (Fearow) (M)
Ability: Keen Eye
Level: 22
Happiness: 70
Bashful Nature
- Peck
- Growl
- Fury Attack
- Mirror Move
ProfSycamore (Nidoqueen)
Ability: Poison Point
Level: 43
Happiness: 70
Lonely Nature
- Toxic
- Crunch
- Double Kick
- Body Slam
Prof. Kukui (Nidoking)
Ability: Poison Point
Level: 21
Happiness: 70
Calm Nature
- Double Kick
- Peck
- Thrash
- Poison Sting
ProfMagnolia (Beedrill) (M)
Ability: Swarm
Level: 10
Happiness: 70
Naive Nature
- Poison Sting
- String Shot
- Harden
- Twineedle
Prof. Willow (Butterfree) (F)
Ability: Compound Eyes
Level: 10
Happiness: 70
Naive Nature
- Tackle
- String Shot
- Harden
- Gust
Prof. Bellis (Venusaur) (M)
Ability: Overgrow
Level: 37
Happiness: 70
Timid Nature
- Take Down
- Sleep Powder
- Petal Dance
- Leech Seed
Prof. Shiny (Pidgeot) (F)
Ability: Keen Eye
Level: 36
Shiny: Yes
Happiness: 70
Lax Nature
- Quick Attack
- Agility
- Wing Attack
- Roost
Prof. P (Primeape) (M)
Ability: Vital Spirit
Level: 30
Happiness: 70
Quiet Nature
- Leer
- Karate Chop
- Fury Swipes
- Taunt
ProfHastings (Sandslash) (F)
Ability: Sand Veil
Level: 22
Happiness: 70
Mild Nature
- Fury Swipes
- Dig
- Poison Sting
- Sand Attack
Prof. Mirror (Onix) (F)
Ability: Rock Head
Level: 10
Happiness: 70
Docile Nature
- Bind
- Rock Throw
- Stealth Rock
- Rage
Prof. Krane (Parasect) (M)
Ability: Effect Spore
Level: 24
Happiness: 70
Docile Nature
- Slash
- Stun Spore
- Growth
- Leech Life
Capt. Stern (Zubat) (M)
Ability: Inner Focus
Level: 10
Happiness: 70
Impish Nature
- Absorb
- Supersonic
- Wing Attack
- Bite
Prof. Cozmo (Clefairy) (M)
Ability: Cute Charm
Level: 5
Happiness: 70
Sassy Nature
- Growl
- Pound
- Defense Curl
Fennel (Geodude) (F)
Ability: Rock Head
Level: 5
Happiness: 70
- Tackle
- Defense Curl
- Sand Attack
Prof. Sonia (Chansey)
Ability: Natural Cure
Level: 5
Happiness: 70
Adamant Nature
- Pound
- Growl
- Defense Curl
Prof. Elm (Magikarp) (F)
Ability: Swift Swim
Level: 5
Happiness: 70
Impish Nature
- Splash
Pokémon Let’s Go Pikachu Hardcore Water Monotype Nuzlocké Team: Wartortle (M)
Ability: Torrent
Level: 21
Happiness: 70
Naive Nature
- Headbutt
- Tail Whip
- Scald
- Withdraw
Psygoose (Psyduck) (M)
Ability: Damp
Level: 19
Happiness: 70
- Scratch
- Tail Whip
- Scald
- Confusion
Pokémon Starlocké Rules: The Starlocke variant of the Nuzlocke challenge was originally introduced by Awesome Soul on YouTube (the original video describing the challenge can be viewed here). Like a normal Nuzlocke, fainted Pokémon must be boxed or released, and Pokémon should be nicknamed. However, the Starlocke ruleset presents one major difference to a standard Nuzlocke run:
You may never acquire Pokémon by catching, as gifts, trades, etc. once the challenge starts. The player starts the game with eighteen Pokémon of the player’s choosing, one of each type. Dual-types may be counted as whichever of the two types the player prefers (for example, Pelliper could be used as your Water or Flying-type Pokémon) and the typing is based on the typing of the final evolution being used (so Charizard could be counted as either a Fire or Flying-type, even though Charmander is only a Fire-type). The player must play through the challenge with these eighteen Pokémon and no others. The Pokémon may be imported as eggs from other games, or inserted using external software. (Note: because the player is allowed to choose their own starting Pokémon, they have a high degree of control over the challenge’s difficulty.)
The player may not switch a party Pokémon out for a box Pokémon, unless that party member faints. This means that while the player has eighteen Pokémon to work with, they must carefully decide which Pokémon to start the game with, and in what order to use them. In some cases, it may be necessary to sacrifice a less-useful Pokémon before a Gym or other difficult battle in order to withdraw a Pokémon with a good type matchup against that opponent.
For a greater degree of difficulty, the player may decide to randomly select a Pokémon for each type, rather than using Pokémon of their choice. This is optional, and not a base rule for the Starlocke challenge.
For additional rule clarifications, see the creator’s original video.
Apr 26, 2021
What can I say, shes cute
Apr 26, 2021
Apr 26, 2021