Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Gau (page 191)

Heh sorry
At least  you know  why i hare us fighting when we do and  I don’t know why it took me so long to say all of it but it’s always been true
May 8, 2021 by Dyla N
Well i AM afraid of that i guess you don’t know... thus will probably sound weird but

I’m a-fraud of letting yiu down because, yiu’re stiries inspure me to do better with mine i know you don’t resoect me but i respect yiu and yoyr ideas and how you don’t seem to care what others think. I want to be like that i say i don’t care but i do point is i WANT to help  i just don’t know how
May 8, 2021 by Dyla N
I already saud i’m nit upset.  And i’m just afraid of letting you down, i WANT to help but i think, no, i LNOW i’m not helping  not really. I want to make it fun and easy as pussable...but i’m not i don’t want to be the reason yiu quit or get  frustrated  And throw a perfectly good idea in the dumpster. That’s why i said “i don’t think u’m helping”
May 8, 2021 by Dyla N
Serioysly? I’m trying to help here and your puckiness is making me lose intrest. Who cares if ut’s dull ither than you, not me, and yes thiugh theres no hard oroof i’m sure they wiuldn’t mind  going to new places.
I don’t see how older Max ruins him

So what if they’re skills are limited? Not everyone can ir wants to be a pokemon master.
I’m not mad i just don’t think i can help uf yiu keep being so chosdey no yiu didn’t ask  not directly but i did want to.
May 8, 2021 by Dyla N
Oh P.S thanks for the Dragalge set and sorry i deleted those other three it was accidental byt i’m still sorry
May 8, 2021 by Dyla N
Well, there’s one obvious reason why most of these people could be in  alola  The all apparent island challenge  

 Ask for Max I assumed he would be older   I know size may have to be with him?  Maybe he’s a trainer now and went out on his own decided to go to Alola and therw he coyld still be kiddish but we can change his age to match.

I could see gym leaders there  well some maybe they’re comparing trial vaptains tl being a gym leader.

Also we could have contests  i’d put them in Hau’Oil, Konokpni, heahea, Ula’Ula and Seafolk village maybe they’re new like the league was in the series. Same for shoecases but we don’t  need as many lications

I was imaging the regular Cheren like the other trainers they are there for the uslabd challenge
Iris i was imaging as her anmie self not champion

Yes Ursula was the Eevee twins girl

Yes Zoe was Dawn’s ipponet in the grand featival.

Yes Nene (i think it’s  pronounce  Knee-lnee)

And Silver i dunno i’d have him be mean

All the trainers have one obviouls reason the challenge itself why not use that? They don’t need a grand reason to be there it’s a region full of new things and pokemon nit found elsewhere that’s good enough for me
May 8, 2021 by Dyla N
May 8, 2021 by BottomlessSea
AHHHHH i’m an udiot! I was looking fir your name so i could ask a question but hut “delete” in the moveset post for Alex and company grrrrrrrr  or originaly i was gonna ask if you had a set idea for lonely draglge Azera will evolve soon and was wondering if there was a set our there for that (slaps own face)
May 8, 2021 by Dyla N
I revealed X's true identity:

Omega Blade-X (Inteleon) @ Scope Lens  
Ability: Sniper  
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Modest Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Focus Energy  
- Agility  
- Snipe Shot  
- Ice Beam
May 8, 2021 by -RisingManectric-
Special Edition of me creaming X in NU in the past:

Cosmicog's team:
Electivire / Roserade / Xatu / Corsola-Galar / Vikavolt / Mienshao
Zangoose360's team:
Ninetales / Shiftry / Charizard / Rhyperior / Xatu / Golbat
Battle timer is ON: inactive players will automatically lose when time's up. (requested by Cosmicog)

Battle started between Cosmicog and Zangoose360!

Go! Vikavolt!

Zangoose360 sent out Ninetales!
[The opposing Ninetales's Drought]
The sunlight turned harsh!

Turn 1

The opposing Ninetales used Fire Blast!
It's super effective!
(Vikavolt lost 100% of its health!)

Vikavolt fainted!

(The sunlight is strong.)

Go! Electivire!

Turn 2

The opposing Ninetales used Scorching Sands!
It's super effective!
(Electivire lost 46% of its health!)

Electivire used Earthquake!
It's super effective!
(The opposing Ninetales lost 100% of its health!)
Electivire lost some of its HP!

The opposing Ninetales fainted!

(The sunlight is strong.)

Zangoose360 sent out Shiftry!

Turn 3

The opposing Shiftry used Dark Pulse!
(Electivire lost 44% of its health!)
The opposing Shiftry lost some of its HP!

Electivire fainted!

(The sunlight is strong.)

Go! Corsola (Corsola-Galar)!

Turn 4

The opposing Shiftry used Nasty Plot!
The opposing Shiftry's Sp. Atk rose sharply!

Corsola used Night Shade!
(The opposing Shiftry lost 32% of its health!)

(The sunlight is strong.)

Turn 5

The opposing Shiftry used Dark Pulse!
It's super effective!
(Corsola lost 91% of its health!)
The opposing Shiftry lost some of its HP!

Corsola flinched and couldn't move!

(The sunlight is strong.)

Turn 6

The opposing Shiftry used Dark Pulse!
It's super effective!
(Corsola lost 9% of its health!)
[Corsola's Cursed Body]
The opposing Shiftry's Dark Pulse was disabled!
The opposing Shiftry lost some of its HP!

Corsola fainted!

(The sunlight is strong.)
☆Cosmicog: i have come to the conclusion that my team sucks lol

Go! Xatu!

Turn 7
☆Zangoose360: Yes. And ETerrain and Drought is OP
☆Cosmicog: Guess so

The opposing Shiftry used Heat Wave!
A critical hit!
(Xatu lost 100% of its health!)
The opposing Shiftry lost some of its HP!

Xatu fainted!

(The sunlight is strong.)
☆Cosmicog: Might make a drought team

Go! Roserade!

Turn 8

The opposing Shiftry used Heat Wave!
It's super effective!
(Roserade lost 100% of its health!)
The opposing Shiftry lost some of its HP!

Roserade fainted!

The harsh sunlight faded.

Go! Mienshao!

Turn 9

Zangoose360 withdrew Shiftry!
Zangoose360 sent out Golbat!

Mienshao used U-turn!
It's not very effective...
(The opposing Golbat lost 4% of its health!)

Turn 10

Mienshao used Knock Off!
(The opposing Golbat lost 28% of its health!)
Mienshao knocked off the opposing Golbat's Eviolite!

The opposing Golbat used U-turn!
It's not very effective...
(Mienshao lost 12% of its health!)
☆Cosmicog: GG

The opposing Golbat went back to Zangoose360!
Zangoose360 sent out Charizard!

Turn 11

Mienshao used Knock Off!
(The opposing Charizard lost 45% of its health!)
Mienshao knocked off the opposing Charizard's Choice Specs!

The opposing Charizard used Air Slash!
It's super effective!
(Mienshao lost 88% of its health!)

Mienshao fainted!

Zangoose360 won the battle!
☆Zangoose360: Join the ETerrain and Drought abusers.
☆Cosmicog: I should lol
☆Zangoose360: Yes. Do it before Raichu-A and Drought get banned lol
☆Cosmicog: Good idea lmao
☆Cosmicog: I'll make a drought team now lol
May 8, 2021 by -RisingManectric-