Krai, from his block of foresight, watched the Celestial Castle as the guards and Muri blocked the door back on the moonlit balcony. Luna and the Princess of Tears were at the Lunar Scope. “Don’t worry,” said The Princess of Tears. “It will be a beautiful sight to behold.” Luna grabbed the telescope, adjusted it to her height, and peered through. Since Luna was part of the great Cresselia line, she had to fulfill her destiny, look at the Silver lit moon on the starriest of nights, and tell what she saw. This meant the future, of course.
Luna looked through the Telescope. Up at the moon. “You were right Magearna. This is pretty.” The moon was like a silver ball. It reflected light, filling the dark sky with a pretty veil. The stars danced around the moon, giving of a feeling of joy.
“What do you see, Luna?” Asked Muri. Luna closed her eyes, then stared at the moon, as if trying to connect with it. Thoughts of joy and happiness rushed through.
“I see, I see...”
“What do you see Luna?”
“I see...” Luna continued connecting with the moon. Then as if an illusion, the moon turned red. The sky turned black, and a star hovered in front of the red moon. It shot fire, burning up the lush forests below. It summoned earthquakes that tore up the land. Then, it looked at Luna, before shooting a beam of cosmic power at her. Luna, frightened by the sight rushed back and away from the Lunar Scope.
“It can be a little overwhelming at first. Don’t worry about that,” said the Princess, trying to comfort Luna. However, there was fear in Luna’s eyes. Fear, shock, terror. It was like Luna saw all the spirits of evil at once.
“Muri, what I saw was... Disaster. And It’s coming soon!”
May 14, 2021
Mr. Fish
I’m a mafia member. We like puppies and rainbows, do public service, give all our money to charity, and offer free hugs. The only arson we do is when we do controlled burns to help forests.
May 14, 2021