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Wall for FlappersFlappers (page 10)

I'll buy that **** anyway though
Jul 8, 2019 by FlappersFlappers
Ladies and gentlemen they managed to make the Dynamax thing even worse by adding in the unnecessary "Gigantamax" which is 100% just a discount Mega-Evolution.

I am pained by this.

Also, Duralodon is discount Gigalith - Rolycoly is discount Rogenrola - and Alcremie is discount Slurpuff
Jul 8, 2019 by FlappersFlappers
Happy fourth of July everynoob, enjoy blowing stuff up and going to the hospital with a sparkler crammed up yourself.

Jul 4, 2019 by FlappersFlappers
Yeah, I understand your opinion too, there may be things I am wrong with too. Once again, sorry if it felt too much on the offense, I just wanted to bring up my arguments.
Jun 30, 2019 by An Asocial Moth
Response to this:

"No, it's because it's on a new console and they can't use the old models because the coding is meant for the 3DS. "

We don't have proof of that. If they were rebuilding the models from scratch, why would they make them exactly the same? Surely this would be the chance to improve the newer models or use the existing models?

"The only thing it REALLY causes problems for is the competitive circuit, but people should be able to enjoy Pokemon aside from that."
Yes, those people who breeded for hours and study and play competetive don't matter. It's not like there are entire communities based on competetive, right? And its not like if they wanted to keep the game balanced for competetive they could've just banned non-regional pokemon in official tournaments so not to screw over the casual fans who want to bring their pokemon to the next generation, right?

"And it's not like this is going to be a thing for every game that follows..."
Well actually....

"I'd rather they not waste the time and risk sacrificing other elements of the game."
I really hope so, but I'm starting to lose faith, and annual releases aren't good signs of quality.

"Besides, it also causes people to be more resourceful when playing the game regularly -- making it a more interesting experience."
What do you mean by that? If Gamefreak wanted to keep non-regional pokemon away from the main game could have at least made it so you can only transfer them in post-game.

"Well, I mean I guess if they took another year then they could do the national dex"
Thats exacly what they should have done. Or at least plan to program in the pokemon in a future patch, not like Home is coming out until next year anyways.

"-- they're a company, afterall."
Yes, a company that develops one of the biggest videogame franchises, selling their newest game(s) at 60 dollars, and debuting their first mainline game on the home console, can be excused for cutting a lot of corners which screws with fans.

"No matter how much we love Nintendo they do have to make money and keep up with competition"
This is Gamefreak, Nintendo was willing to delay their games like BOTW and recently Animal Crossing so that they would be in perfect shape.

I don't really mean to be offensive on your opinion. I understand wanting to defend a beloved franchise I really do, but something I learned is that sometimes you need to stand your ground.
Jun 29, 2019 by An Asocial Moth
I'm guessing there are 5+ in my street (not including the baby's, but i'm pretty sure most of the other's already left)
Jun 18, 2019 by Syl ™
I think i got good news.
I saw stray kitteeeeens. Probably 1 - 3 months old (but i won't be surprised if they are older lol)
I only saw one clearly and i'm guessing it's a male (not looking at the 100% male thingie you know). I'm guessing i'm good at predicting genders because i also predicted the gender of the mom.
The kittens expression looking at me was so cyoot! It's like: 'what the heck is this creature'
Jun 16, 2019 by Syl ™
I have no idea to be honest. I can't decide if this guy's a troll, a child or mentally infirm, or a combination of. And I certainly can't explain the stuff he posts, nor why he's made over thirty accounts to keep at it.
All I know is that I'm banning him and that it's not really doing anything, lol.
Jun 16, 2019 by Fizz
Ohno, that stage is something i don't like lol.
Jun 15, 2019 by Syl ™
What is wrong with these people. I want all my Pokemon to transfer. They need to have national Pokedex.....once we completed the main story!!!
Jun 15, 2019 by sheepman1306