Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Flafpert (page 6)

Hour 2
This accursed locale lack sitting places altogether! I've been in almost every store once, being dragged there like a sack of rotten potatoes. All filled with sappy happy PPP music and screaming fourteen year olds finding a Cardigan sweater for just 1500 $. It is aweful beyond belief but at least it is over soon.
Feb 21, 2015 by Flafpert
Hour 1
I have discovered the 10th ring of hell. My dad and sis dragged me to a god forsaken mall with no equal in the realms of mortality. It could have been designed by a eleven year old girl in The Sims, filled with clothing stores, interior design and all manners of coffe shops. Pray for me friends.
Feb 21, 2015 by Flafpert
What is your steam name?
Feb 9, 2015 by Jofly
Flaf, sorry, showdown's being bitchy with me today. Anyway, I now have a legit/paid copy of MC :D. If you wanna hook up on skype tomorrow (Sunday) or any other day, get in touch. I'd give you my email but someone else might read it...
Jan 31, 2015 by PX
Merry Christmas flaf
Dec 25, 2014 by melcakes
Dec 9, 2014 by trachy
Kooooooooooooooommmpiissssss play Spirit Tacks :c!
Nov 23, 2014 by MonoUmbreon
/fill ~10 ~55 ~10 ~-15 ~ ~-10 minecraft:air
/fill ~ ~-1 ~ ~-1 ~ ~-1 minecraft:air
       /fill ~2 ~2 ~-2 ~-2 ~1 ~2 minecraft:air 0 replace stone
       /fill ~100 ~-1 ~100 ~-100 ~-1 ~-50 minecraft:air 0 replace snow_layer
      /fill ~2 ~10 ~-2 ~-2 ~-10 ~2 minecraft:farmland 7 replace grass
    /fill ~115 ~-1 ~-25 ~-115 ~-1 ~115 minecraft:ice 7 replace water
  Woodcutting 1
  /fill ~20 ~ ~-20 ~-20 ~10 ~20 minecraft:air 0 replace log
Woodcutting 2
 /fill ~115 ~-1 ~-25 ~-115 ~-1 ~115 minecraft:air 0 replace log
Oct 10, 2014 by Flafpert