Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for EvilTwinNeedle™️ (page 8)

Mew banned you from Showdown. :(
Jul 1, 2018 by PsyKlone
I guess HT and Sempi will be also glad to hear that
Jul 1, 2018 by Helix716
Sorry but I've had enough now -- I've given you a week's ban. Sempi and I have told you about five times to listen when people tell you to stop, and you still don't. It's now pretty clear from my perspective that telling you off again isn't going to do anything, so now I'm doing this.
You are a good contributor, but I cannot stand for the attitude you keep bringing any longer.
Jul 1, 2018 by Fizz
The main thing I like about Minecraft is that building in the game, as well as interacting with the environment in lots of other ways, is very easy. It even comes with its own scripting language that players can use to program and run whatever they want, such as other video games. Because Minecraft gives you that much freedom, you can load resource packs if you think the graphics are dumb, or come up with your own concepts if you think the concepts are dumb. It's like it's almost a fully functional game (note that I said "almost"), but it still lets players add whatever they want on top of it.
Jun 30, 2018 by sumwun
Jun 30, 2018 by SpillThePolteageist
Downvoting reduces your score by 10pts as well as other's scores by 20. I'd prefer to benefit myself and others by earning pts. And, yes,  I am alive, but just busy.
Jun 30, 2018 by Jasone Anderson
Jun 30, 2018 by Helix716
U know you r the first and the last person who has congrated me..
4 user have congrated u...there r 46 wall pages on ur wall... Wow u r famous
Jun 30, 2018 by Helix716
You can change your name on meta/rmt if u have no meta/rmt post.
Jun 30, 2018 by Helix716
Omg you hit 1,000 points?? Congrats, ETN!!
Jun 30, 2018 by GinnyEvilShadow