Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for DrippyDreepy (page 7)

No problem!

1. I became Expert August 28, 2020, by getting 6000 points.

2. I was promoted to Editor February 4, 2021 (but I was nominated December 29, 2020... curse PM's latency, lol).

3. You get an automatic promotion once you hit 6000 points. Once annually or so, the staff convene to discuss who they think is deserving of Expert. You have to have a minimum of 2000 points, be very active, be a positive influence in the community, and show interest in the site as a whole -- being active on META and the Discord server help with this.

4. That's basically why SYL and TY are Experts. The staff thought they were deserving of the Expert role, and I'd say they've done an excellent job of it thus far.
May 19, 2021 by Amethyst
I always name my Aggrons Leo, not sure why. It just seems to fit :P
May 18, 2021 by Amethyst
May 17, 2021 by Nameless ツ
Sniped :(
May 17, 2021 by PeeKayFreeze
I have been rapidly shooting up in points
May 17, 2021 by PeeKayFreeze
I was lol
May 17, 2021 by PeeKayFreeze
Haha okay. If you ever make a account, feel free to message me
May 16, 2021 by ~Obstagoon-Marnie~
Hey, remember my Poké-Updates? I am moving them to my Nuzlocke Discord Server! Would you like to join?
May 16, 2021 by ~Obstagoon-Marnie~
ech = h
ay = a
aai = i

= hai lol
May 13, 2021 by vydestiny
Ech ay aai hai
May 13, 2021 by vydestiny