About 20% of pokemon from each region made it to SWSH, tho that's a small number, and it still really sucks because there are lots of other great pokemon other than these (this site has all the pokemon that made it):
https://nintendosoup.com/guide-all-pokemon-currently-confirmed-for-pokemon-sword-and-shield/ But, the games still look very promising imo. And the 3d models are actually brand new, and improved. Which probably took a lot of effort for the people making them with programs and animating them. The 3ds models had these black pixels (outlines) around them that made them look kinda ugly and you couldn't see every detail on the model. These new models tho don't have outlines, and you can actually see their other details without them being covered by all these little pixels. So the models are not being reused. And I guess that's probably what they were going for with the gigantamaxs, but there's a chance that we could see more in the future. And there's still dynamaxing for pokemon that don't gigantamax. And they do look pretty weird. But honestly I think this whole D/G max thing is excessive. They could've added a more simple less confusing mechanic that actually has reasonable logic to it like Z moves and megas do. And perhaps money is one of their main goals... But that doesn't mean that the games are bad, it's just the devs (trying to) be clever with marketing. I'm not really that convinced into buying LGPE myself tho just for some forms in SWSH. But overall, imo, they worked really hard (not the people with marketing ideas, the actual people who make the games) to make the game. But I guess they didn't want to take the extra mile to add all of the pokemon. And they added some... Weird things (e.g. D/G max and curry). But we can't hate it for those 2 reasons! Just by looking at some gameplay you can see major improvements, like, the world is more open and nicely made than USUM! It has all these little details and improvements to make it a unique experience. And it may be missing pokemon, but that doesn't exactly mean the game has minimal effort put into it. If it did then they'd probably just be giving us some mirrored version of X/Y :P! But they're not! Forget about the missing pokemon for a bit and take a moment to look at everything else. It's all very nice actually. All games have their faults, but we can't just hate them because of those faults without even looking at everything else about the game. SWSH didn't even get released yet. Game Freak even said at one point that they'd make patches to add the pokemon after the game's release. Maybe they'll be dlc tho that cost money, because, that would be a really clever (and jerky) thing to do knowing that people would buy them. But we can only wait and see what the future will bring.
Anyhoo! I think I've made my point? I understand your perspective btw, but I don't exactly completely agree with it. I hope ya understand mine :P. Oh and, sorry for the long post, it just happens sometimes.