Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for DarkTyphlosion (page 12)

What's a good, naughty moveset for Flareon?
Mar 14, 2014 by DarkTyphlosion
I kinda assumed it was him. He needs to stop using my internet and get his own again >.>.Anyway, he's rarely on, and he doesn't actually even know how to use the QA XD
Mar 12, 2014 by PX
May I ask why DT? I have a sister, but she's never even touched the site (that I'm aware off at least)

The only other reason I think off is my friend Slender Man, or goes to my school (hence same IP address there) or because he lives very very close to me (hence very similar address). I don't have any knowledge of anyone else with my IP being on this site.
Mar 11, 2014 by PX
YAY! Universal happiness. :D
Mar 10, 2014 by !'•-Indigo-•'!
Well, first off I'd say that you should only play Mass Effect 3 if you have beaten Mass Effect 1 and 2. The story is a major part of the series, as they carry over decisions from the previous titles. This was one of the most enjoyable aspects of the series.

 Now in regards to Mass Effect 3 itself, I'm of a mixed opinion on it. From my subjective standpoint, I didn't like it. But my objective standpoint says that it's a good game, it's just not a good Mass Effect game. The game drastically scales back from the branching storyline of the previous titles, and also makes previous choices you made null and void. This happens constantly throughout the game, and is a major issue many fans of the series had with the title. There is also an issue with the fact that there is little communication with your companions compared to the previous titles. However, in terms of the actual gameplay, it is the best of the series. While the RPG elements in terms of weapons and skills aren't as vast as the first Mass Effect, the gunplay and powers are a lot better, and it is actually a very good third person shooter. It also has more RPG elements with the guns and skill system than the second Mass Effect.

As to whether or not it is worth playing, I would say yes, although prepare to face disappointment if you enjoyed the previous titles.
Mar 10, 2014 by trachy
Oh really?

...I refuse your modesty. You're a god DESCENDANT then. >:( xD
Mar 10, 2014 by !'•-Indigo-•'!
You saved trachy.
OMG you're a god. xD
Mar 9, 2014 by !'•-Indigo-•'!
Mar 7, 2014 by Your Excellency
Make sure once you get a Memory card for ur Vita and start playing P4G that you max out the Aeon Social Link aka Marie aka Kusumi-no-Okami
Mar 6, 2014 by Lorna Shore
You have exactly 1000 comments! Don't ruin it!!
Mar 5, 2014 by EnergyZebro