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Wall for Care :D (page 2)

If I do not see you, Happy Birthday!!!
Jul 31, 2015 by sheepman1306
I start school on the Aug 31 :P. I made a D in Cal 2 :(. I did not have Cal 2 background, so I am going to retake in the spring semester. Also, took for off for summer session . When I was reading book and playing pokemon of SS, I have totally for got about school.  I was so obsess and I am almost got burn out of school. I did not have time to enjoy my free time when I am out school. Pokemon Update: I have finally figure to catch a legendary pokemon without using a master ball!!!!!!
Jul 31, 2015 by sheepman1306
School starts for me Aug 6. I ready to go back then again I'm not XD.

How's your summer coming along? :) Sorry if I don't get back quickly, and don't worry I don't plan to leave the site anytime soon despite rare activity.
Jul 29, 2015 by Sophisticles
Unfortunately I won't be able to GC anytime soon since my dad decided he was going spend 3 of checks on gambling :/. SO I'll be without internet for a while.
Jul 29, 2015 by Sophisticles
I work for some Recreation Office, which is over every park in my cit. I thought there was only one :/. We have a baseball field I never knew about and evidently we keep the river looking "nice". >.>  

That'll be cool :) I can GC Monday, Thursday or Friday .
Jul 12, 2015 by Sophisticles
Hope you find it fun :), even though it's going to burning hot outside.

You'll get it next time :), I know you won't give up on it. Practice always makes perfect :P

I'm doing good, I've been tired and sore from work. They gave my job to some girl >.> and now I work for Recreation. I've been shoveling dirt and weed eating grass early in the morning. But I guess it's worth it :P. From 7-11 is a long time especially if you're exhausted.
Jul 11, 2015 by Sophisticles
Haha glad to know :>
Is it just me, or have I met you before? Idk, your name just seems to ring some bells.
Jul 5, 2015 by Qwerty_Zoom
You mean the wall joke? It's not by me, lol no. It's just there because I completely curled up laughing because of it xD
Jun 30, 2015 by Qwerty_Zoom
Hey Care! How are you?
Jun 24, 2015 by Gosu
No problem :)

That's good, are you practicing this summer or does color guard not start up again until the school year?
Jun 19, 2015 by Sophisticles